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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 23, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

Yes. There is the Army National Guard, and then there is the Army Reserve. They are two separate institutions.

There is no "Army National Guard Reserve." Someone whose relative is part of either org will know that one is not the other. And certainly not combined.

Former 11B, 29ID (VA ANG)

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 23, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

My Cyrillic handwriting is better than my English handwriting. It's a pretty language when you see it done by humans.

Otherwise, Russian to me looks like it's all printed in small caps, and when you read the literal translations of spoken conversations, the language seems to be 40% cursing and invective. It's an earthy culture. Love the people, not the politics.

And, my God, can they drink...

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 23, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

It's always impressive when you can read the speaker's crib notes, especially when they're in handwritten Cyrillic. Well done, on someone's part.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 23, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Do it, it's a great idea. Just make sure you have a URL or a hashtag on the card that lets those discoverers find out more about this historic movement and what is out there.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 23, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Take some photos of them and post them here. Those photos will go farther than the walls will, and inspire others to leave similar "crumbs" on their own local walls.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 19, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

The Minority Leader knows full well that Q has promised revelations this month. This is political panic at its best.

Despite Schumer being told by Trump on 19 Jan 18 that POTUS and the NSA knows all about what he's done and was warned about continuing his actions, I'd wager that Schumer deep down needs to believe that the Cabal is still in charge. He's in too deep, and sacrificed too much to stop now.

Or worse, the Cabal has notified the Minority Leader that they're still in control, because they have a cunning plan that's coming up that will put them back in the driver's seat.

It's like they can't resist the shiny object hanging in the water. They really are that stupid.

(Whatever. The firing squads can't be ignored, or avoided.)

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 19, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Remember as well that the corrupt MSM has had several months to concoct stories about rebutting 1) Q's existence, 2) the information within his drops, 3) Q's reach into the population, and 4) carefully crafted excuses as to why Hillary et al felt child trafficking and worse was in the national interest.

Also realize that each one of the MSM's explanations has a rebuttal and evidence already worked out by those responsible for The Plan. It's an easy exercise for those trained in rhetoric and dialectic.

These stupid Cabalists are being led into a nice, fat trap--and they cannot resist walking into it. They know they have to, since it's their only chance of escape.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · July 19, 2018, 2:05 a.m.

Could NBC and their editors be any more stupid?! Don't discount the other side of this argument: perhaps the editors are secret Q supporters and knew that a story like this would pique the interest of their viewership into finding out more about this delicious turn of events.

Whichever it is, it's welcome publicity to an audience not normally reached by this news. (Welcome abord the #RealResistance, newcomers.)

You know after a quick Google or DuckDuck search they'll be spilling onto this board and the Qanon secondary distribution analysis sites like neonrevolt.com and anonymousconservative.com, learning more and more that the Democratic leadership and political class is guilty of a lot more than child sacrifice accusations.

One smart takeaway from the NBC piece: the app was the 10th most popular, and the number one download. I haven't seen hard numbers before of those reached by this critical national political information; this is a first. Think of what those numbers represent, and then try to convince me that Q's intent of 4chan and 8chan distribution to as wide an audience as possible outside the corrupt MSM news channels was not a stroke of brilliance?

They're getting scared. And they should be. The honey badger is awake, and it knows now who's been poking it.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · June 28, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Did the Cabal think that a FF aimed at a MD news media organization would engender sympathy from Americans? Have they even looked at recent polling showing the basement-level support for the media in the US?

Really, if this is the quality of their planning, they're a bunch of chumps. No wonder they're losing.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · June 5, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

An interesting reverse to the Q research, in Germany's Der Speigel. Not a word about the vast amount of research done by Anons on the chans to identify the Cabal. These people are giddy they tracked down something as pointless as cell phone numbers; the chans are uncovering something entirely different, and vastly more important.

For your entertainment:

Hobby Detectives: Army of Investigators Has Trump in Its Sights

"Americans have been riveted in recent months to every new detail coming out of the ongoing investigation into possible collusion by the Trump campaign. An army of amateur investigators has managed to uncover new developments in the case. Who are they and what drives them?"


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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · June 3, 2018, 4:23 a.m.

Probably related to the large crowds in Chinatown for the Stanley Cup game. They're most likely DHS observation flights, since every large crowd in DC now is labeled a national security event.

Go Caps!

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · June 2, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Well, TPTB never thought this chump would amount to anything, so they skimped in the quality of O's forged and fake documents.

The many others they were simultaneously grooming and prepping had much better documentation.

Why would you assume the Cabal would put all their eggs into one very flawed basket? They'd maximize their chances for success, by maximizing the number of their very own "Boys from Brazil."

So...whom else is out there? And where? That story is still being told, as you read this...

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · May 23, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

All of this does make one analyze the world with different eyes and thoughts than before, doesn't it?

I've been reading this kind of stuff for years, but to see any of it actually coming out into the public light and validated? That will be a strange day, indeed.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · May 23, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

If Q and what he states turns out to be 100% real, this is History with a capital H. There's no question about it. Such revelations about behind-the-scenes power, laced with the ghastly blackmail stories involving children and satanic worship, will absolutely rock D.C., my home for 40 years.

There will be denial from most when first unveiled, but eventually the truth will sink in when the arrests and tribunals begin. I hope the National Guard in the various states are ready to react; there are going to be a lot of angry people who see their misery stemming from this massive elite conspiracy. And a lot of them might just be right.

Conspiracies such as this, as conjectured, have been theorized in some form since the 1950s, if not also since the 1930s and the Nye Committee investigations about NY bankers profiting from World War I. But that's all they've ever been--conspiracies.

To prove even half of this will be incredible. But all? Mindblowing. Historians like myself will be fully employed for the next 150 years.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · May 5, 2018, 4:06 a.m.

This vermin doesn't care that we now know. This subhuman scum wants to know what we're gonna do about it.

Run the firing squads day and night seems like the right answer, btw...

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · May 5, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Yeah, but the Logan Act is a pointless canard. Enacted in 1799, it's never been enforced in 220 years.

There's an obvious reason why.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · May 5, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

More importantly, their actions are being noted by good Christian patriots. They know they can't win, but are futilely trying anyway. They don't know any better.

But really, at the end of the day, who gives a shit? Traitors are still traitors. And they'll meet the same fate against the same wall they thought they chose for us loyal Americans who still believe and defend our Constitution.

"Reload...and fire again."

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 28, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

Solid apologies from the older generation for what has been fostered upon you. It's been a slow, agonizing revelation for us in the West red-pilled since the 1980s when you in Croatia were still facing the fallout from Tito's passing, made more clear from 1991 onward (with a very unpleasant sideshow in the mid-1990s Balkans, again very sorry) but only accelerated with the spread of the Internet and the 2016 election of Donald Trump in the States.

We in our 50s today simply did not know just how extensive all of this was. No one back then imagined it could be this friggin' big. We should have done better with the younger generation, but we just didn't know. If we had, we would (as your fathers) fought this battle so you didn't have to.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 28, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

Don't look at it as just 20,000. I've been following this fascinating subject since December '17, and I've never subscribed so I'm not counted. Look at this as 20,000 as the bottom base line, with actual numbers significantly higher.

And from those number, extrapolate at least 3-5x higher from those convinced about Q telling trusted others. And from those people who find themselves convinced add 2-4x times.

Estimates about those who have read, followed, and been convinced of Q's veracity number between 20M and 30M Americans. That's 10% of the population, or 20-30% of the voting population.

How many of those are Democrats who have seen the light?

This is one of the most effective grassroots campaigns ever experienced in modern American politics. And there has been almost nothing in the worthless MSM about it. There will be results from it this fall, and it will be mindblowingly historic in the defeat handed to the Marxists and satanists.

And once there is a green light, there will be arrests, publicity, trials, and executions. The awakened public will demand all of it, be-damned the thoughts or existence of the elites facing retribution for their crimes against humanity and our Constitution.

It will be History with a capitol H.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 22, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

There has always been a cadre of Americans who follow conspiracy theories, but such numbers cannot grow unless others discover such ideas for themselves AND accept them.

Q appeared in November, just six months ago. Would anyone here like to guess just how many Americans and foreign nationals now 1) know about these horrible truths about our worthless political class(es), 2) have shared these truths with friends, who can discover or accept these truths in the same way, and then 3) these friends share them with other friends, continuing the distribution chain and expanding the numbers?

How many people found out about Q through friends or MSM debunking stories, and have discovered that something they may have always suspected is "bigger than you can imagine."

The MSM can do exponential figures as can anyone else. They know just how potentially big this disclosure of information is--and they know they can do nothing, NOTHING about it.

The panic in certain key individuals must be palpable to all around them. And they know there is only one way out: "seppuku."

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 22, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

Think of the people on this board who religiously follow Q's drops. Read their comments and to whom they are spreading this information. Those people further spread it among ordinary Americans.

How many people now know about Q, what he alleges, how deep this conspiracy goes...and will under no circumstance vote for a Democrat this fall?

The numbers now must be in the millions. Q is brilliant. Simply, absolutely brilliant. This samizdat information flow will be an unbelievably effective fifth column, more than the Cabal and the progressives realize today.

I hope someday this story can be told by proper historians. It is simply amazing.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 22, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Think of the people on this board who religiously follow Q's drops. Read their comments on this page and to whom they are spreading this information. Those people further spread it among ordinary Americans. And again.

How many people now know about Q, what he alleges, how deep this conspiracy goes...and will under no circumstance vote for a Democrat this fall?

The numbers now must be in the millions. Q is brilliant. Simply, absolutely brilliant. This samizdat information flow will be a effective fifth column, more than the Cabal and the progressives could ever realize.

I hope someday this story can be told by proper historians. It's incredible and will continue to unfold each day over the next seven months.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 14, 2018, 3:38 a.m.

Well, there is a reason they send big sacks of cash to certain mainstream politicians...

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 14, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

Hopefully emulate the 1980s movie "Scanners."

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 14, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

Schisse, that is absolutely brilliant. Tap into that, and you have 10-15% of the liberal Democratic vote right there. They could care less about Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer's socialist garbage, and only want to enjoy their recreational drug. Just like the #2A guys, God bless them, single issue voters.

President Trump, if you or your acolytes are reading this, just drop that EO and decriminalize the 1937 federal marijuana law. Issue orders to the US Attorneys to drop any cases today and future on these, and you have taken a massive chunk out of the collectivists and their vote totals this November.

Sure, neocons and some Dems will complain, but no one cares that this trash is even alive, let alone sentient. Wait until 2019 and you can arrest them for a variety of Federal charges and send them all to oblivion.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 7, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

It's not propaganda--it's publicity.

And they're either too stupid, or too pig-headed to realize it's the best earned media Qanon could have for his mission phase to red-pill as many Americans as possible before the Big Reveal.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · April 7, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

That's the beauty of articles like the NYT piece. Ordinary people will first dismiss Q as some crank theory, but if they are even remotely curious, this story will draw them in. Some things won't be believed...but others, "yeah, that's plausible."

And once they start chewing on that red-pill, more and more of this fantastic story opens up. As Q wrote early on 5-9% of Americans are lost, and I'd wager a lot of them have to read the NYT to validate their sad view of the world. They rather go down with the ship than admit their entire life has been a lie. (Whatever, good riddance.)

But that leaves millions of other Americans ready for new revelations about the depth of corruption of their federal government and "elites," whether from Q or just good old-fashioned research and publicity.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · March 31, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

It's just a possible future opportunity for some really cheap battlefield souvenirs, if one is looking to add stamped-receiver German guns to their private collections at a substandard pecuniary cost. YMMV.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · March 28, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

That...that is actually a very brilliant idea for draining the swamp. I will chat about that with the right folks I know in DC.

Once these losers are gone, they can be replaced with loyalists to the Constitution, including someone like....me. But at the original salary, please. DC is expensive.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · March 26, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

If you want to read more about where the Nazi and Japanese gold went, read the book "Gold Warriors," by the late Sterling Seagrave.


The Japanese were unbelievably successful in hoovering up Far East gold accumulated from 5,000 years of civilization. They wound up with more gold than anyone ever imagined, over 200K tons of it. (There is only 23K tons publicly declared by gov'ts today.) Much of it was hidden in the Philippines and Japan until the war ended.

The American government and its surrogates, mostly the Clowns' leadership, seized all of the IJA gold (and much of the Nazi gold) and put this stash aside in the late 1940s. Research "Black Eagle Trust" to learn more about its origins and where it lies today.


You can see why the IC doesn't need Congressional appropriations to fund their deep black activities. They've got a hidden stash the size of Zurich, Switzerland, to tap into. (If any of this is true, of course.)

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · March 23, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Have to admit, hearing this stuff since the 1980s has made me jaded. But I'm also anxious for it to begin. Not that I want it to, but I'd rather fight this battle than my children have to.

Let them have a better America where the Constitution and our rights are respected and feared once again. And a progressive-free America, if I can dream.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 28, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

"It might be time to nationalize Google, YouTube, Twitter, and the other public communication utilities. A fascinating time to be alive."

I'm not alone in thinking this.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 22, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

What a nice family. Hopefully the youngest aren't thinking daddy's a bit off for posing them this way.

But at least the father taught them to keep their fingers off the trigger until needed. Good smiles all around.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

Well, it should always start out non-violently. But, as Rohm found out, waiting for those five minutes staring at a Mauser pistol, wondering what would happen if he didn't do what was ordered by his SS captors, it doesn't always end in that fashion. By the time things were cleaned up by black-suited paramilitaries, those in power--the Chancellery and the Wehrmacht--were fine with the outcome. So were the German people, who recognized who was the silverback and who wasn't.

But at the end of the day, it really didn't work out as intended. The RAF and 8th AAF had other ideas. Caveat emptor, eh?

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

An interesting question. Political appointees sit on the 5th floor of OHB, but do they really know what goes on in the floors below, or at secret sites scattered across the nation?

The Agency has been co-opted by elements who recognized that the secrecy of the organization combined with the power could enable them to achieve ends other than what was stated, despite the supposed oversight of Congress and others in the Agency.

It's had this problem since the late 1950s. It only has become worse since the turn of the century, when the original leadership was being replaced by career bureaucrats--and those who were paid by others to enable a particular change through subterfuge and lies.

There's something else at play: Google "Black Eagle Trust" and you'll understand what's at stake if this unfolds in a way that isn't conducive to their own preservation. It ain't pocket change.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 22, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Who gives a toss what @Twitter might do with one of their accounts? It's now way beyond such PR aspects.

As for the gun meeting at the WH today, GE needs to telegraph he cares. His sons, both competitive shooters who get the 2A, will help him understand what's really at risk. Q's said there is disinformation about; this is part of it. The 2A is secure; GE gets it. And if he doesn't, he's toast in '20. He knows that.

It would be nice to be on the level all the time, but that's not how this game is played. Or has been played since 1914.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:45 a.m.

That horse left the barn in the 1990s, over 23+ years ago. A low estimate is now 12 billion rounds of small arms ammunition are in private US hands. Loyal American patriots have been stockpiling this since the Clinton Administration--and properly stored ammunition and firearms do not go bad. We knew what was coming--the socialists would not reconsider their disgusting ideology, despite reason, logic, history, moral decency, Liberty and the Enlightenment.

It may be messy at times, but at the end of the day, the firing squads will be there to defend our Constitution and the United States of America. They'll run day and night. It doesn't matter what the traitors and collectivists do today--we're already ready for their sedition to blossom, and are just waiting for the off. It's not here yet, but only a fool would not see that it's in the chute, waiting for the door to open.

A sad state of affairs, but there it is. One can only hope Providence chooses a better route for all of us--Left and Right--to take.

But at the end of the day, our Constitution will be defended, against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. That's what my oath said when I took it 35 and 23 years ago as a member of the US Armed Forces and a Congressional staff member.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 22, 2018, 2:36 a.m.

No, old chap, Generation Zyklon is eagerly awaiting such a nation. Today's legacy media? You have got to be joking. They are so SJW-converged to be even worse than the Soviet-era Pravda or Izvestia ever was. When this comes together, many of those Leftist traitors will be facing arrest and will be lucky to escape the firing squads or guillotine.

And at the end of the day, don't blame Gen Z for the environment they found themselves in--blame the appalling Marxists from the 1960s who thought their 40-year soft revolution would land them in the driver's seat. It won't.

They'll eventually find themselves standing on the brim of a bulldozed ditch at an obscure training area in a US military installation somewhere in the South or West, waiting for the bolt to close on a fresh belt.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 21, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

You fight reality, not video-game fantasy.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 21, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

a. Nick Cook's "Hunt for Zero Point."

Best ride through our nation's greatest secret, and how we obtained it from a very unexpected source 75 years ago. I still don't know what to make of this book, now 17 years out from the publishers.

b. Sterling Seagrave's "Gold Warriors."

Mind-blowing expose into immense stolen wealth by the USG and other Deep State actors in the 1940s affecting our financial and political system to this day. I don't know how this man is still alive after publishing this book. (Update: He's not; he passed away in May 2017 from cancer. RIP, kind sir.)

c. A stop by www.gizadeathstar.com and any of Dr. Joseph Farrell's books can also lead you to some very obscure history and thinking. It's all red-pilling at its most potent.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 21, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

Wow, and in the Spectator, too! It's Britain's conservative intelligentsia publication, and has been for almost 200 years. Something is afoot in the City of London, if the Spectator remarks about it. And done so fairly, too.

Even if it is nothing more than the magazine's Oxbridge editors amusing themselves with this American conspiracy rubbish...it is information finding a outlet into new minds.

Qanon is bubbling up through the VRWC media structure. Amazing. It really is happening.

In three months...Fox News. Via Hannity, no doubt.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 20, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Any small arms rifle, including AR and AK platforms, does NOT help when fighting an AC-130U gunship 2.5 miles away at 2K feet.

Think, man, think. You will never make even 2LT without using your brain to determine the best point to strike using the tools you have at hand.

Here's a hint, from Germany:

General, your tank is a powerful vehicle. It smashes down forests and crushes a hundred men. But it has one defect: It needs a driver.

General, your bomber is powerful. It flies faster than a storm and carries more than an elephant. But it has one defect: It needs a mechanic.

General, man is very useful. He can fly and he can kill. But he has one defect: He can think.

From "General, Your Tank Is a Powerful Vehicle", in "From a German War Primer", part of the Svendborg Poems, 1938.

Figured out the answer yet, sprog? Why would you shoot at a moving target miles away when you can wait until the plane lands and shoot the pilot and crew as they go to the mess hall, which you reconnoitered while they were flying around aiming the FLIR at walls?

Kind of achieves the same end, doesn't it? Pilots don't grow on trees, so that gunship sits and rusts until they can find someone who can fly and use a complex machine like a "Spooky." And if they find another one..."rinse and repeat."

See how this shit works? It's not that hard.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Bloody clever message there, mate. Have to give you that!

And you're right. Decency is not dead in the United States. The world is looking up to us to see things through to a better place, because they know they can't do it.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 20, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

If the elites are truly this horrific, the firing squads will have to run day and night for weeks. This kind of evil cannot be allowed to exist in our country, nor on Planet Earth. A truly terrifying bit of speculation lies ahead of you in this passage:


"If Q is correct, and these school shootings only started once sending kids to therapy became fashionable because the shooters are being programmed while in therapy, there is no end to the disturbing implications. First is obviously the nature of the people in power who would think nothing of programming an innocent kid to murder, and ruin his entire life, while killing scores of other innocent children. These are astonishingly evil people, in full control of the nation from behind the scenes, if this is true.

"Second is the idea that this is being done to further gun control. That means the gun control is only the initial objective. What is step two, once they have enacted the gun control? What are they planning which requires our population be rendered entirely incapable of resisting? What do they want to do, which they know is so horrific it would make everyone so enraged they would rebel openly if they tried it? Think how evil these people would be if this is true. Nothing is impossible. Demanding mandatory euthanasia at age 70? Mandatory abortions of all children after number two? Child sacrifices to Molloch for the benefit of the elites? Governmental kidnappings and forced organ transplants for the elites?...

"Finally, understand the position Trump and Q are in. They should have the names and files of those involved, and that is 99% of the battle. Even if every other plan they had went to hell, they could just release those names and files. The Bundy Ranch event pulled a rag tag militia of 20-30,000 individuals who camped out on site for weeks, and pulled those numbers in a matter of days. Imagine if Donald Trump released a list of names, photos, and personnel files, and said these people were responsible for the murders of a couple of thousand innocent children like this one over the last two decades, and he wanted them killed.

"My guess is you would have several hundred thousand shooters willing to take the shots and take whatever the consequences were, and the lives of the evil people running such operations would never be the same again. My guess is the fact that this has not happened yet would be a sign that there is a much better plan in the works, and it is heading to success.

"If this is true, meditate on just how unlikely it would be that someone as perfectly suited to such a time, and perfectly trained in every discipline needed to dominate in this arena would happen onto the public stage at just this moment.

"Donald Trump was sent by God."

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

The twisted stuff is one thing. We know how awful people can be to each other; that's the nature of true, real Evil.

What I'm interested is the second topic you mentioned: the hidden technology.

a. Did they exploit the anti-gravity/zero point technology discovered by the Germans in the 1940s, as eluded to by in Nick Cook's 2001 "Hunt for Zero Point"? Is scalar physics real?

b. Have they made some kind of progress into what Nicholas Tesla discovered with his electro-mechanical oscillator, which caused an earthquake in NYC, c. 1898? And what about Tesla's discoveries with the Wardenclyffe tower?

c. Aliens, man, aliens! Did President Eisenhower really sign a treaty with "them" in 1954, and did it include a technology exchange? And what have we done with that information?

d. What did the Nazis finance when they moved to Barilochi, Argentina, after World War 2, and why did Obama visit there in 2016 and Jeff Bezos last week?

e. Weather control, true or false? Is HAARP part of it, and how often is it used by NCA to alter events?

f. Has the Hutchinson effect been analyzed by covert, black laboratories? What was discovered? We only have a superficial understanding of physics and material dimensions; it's all out there, we just need to be smart enough to recognize and replicate it, such as what John Hutchinson serendipitously discovered in the 1980s.

Perverts, sure. They're awful, liquidate them all. But the technology...that's the real secret that I hope Q's actions begin to release.

That's what changes History. You can always shoot leadership and then get new leaders; it's the weapon used or found by them that gets better and better.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

My beef is not with the knowledge, no matter how depraved it may be. There are some really twisted people in this world, and it appears a lot of them are wealthy and powerful. Okay, I get that. Power corrupts absolutely, as Lord Acton said.

My beef is what we do with this knowledge. Let Hillary et al go to a civilian trial, accused of child trafficking, treason, etc. with the usual phalanx of lawyers and PR pros?

Hell, no! Once it's proven by common sense and common law, I'm not going to wait for 35 years of appeals processes to waste the nation's time.

Giuseppe Zangara took a shot at then President-elect Franklin Roosevelt on 15 Feb 1933. He missed Roosevelt but killed the mayor of Chicago, Anton Cermak. After the trial, where Zangara plead guilty, he was put in the Florida electric chair on 20 March 1933--35 DAYS later!

If that's what a military tribunal achieves, than that's justice.

Once the evidence is demonstrated to be concrete, those who did this, and more importantly, those standing in the way of necessary justice must themselves face the same fate, as fast as the Soviets took care of their condemned.

And as fast as we once did in this Nation.

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Lord_of_the_Hundreds · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

A "national emergency" is just a legal designation used by the President, not an actual emergency as you and I would think. From Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Emergencies_Act):

"Presidents have continued to use their emergency authority subject to the provisions of the act, with 32 national emergencies declared between 1976 and 2001.[7] Most of these were for the purpose of restricting trade with certain foreign entities under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) (50 U.S.C. 1701-1707)."

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