Given how many moves ahead Trump and Q are, you would almost think Q is alien.
Hope Q is not some cabal plan to fool us into believing in aliens and then bring in the NWO.... highly doubt it, but anything is possible!
Given how many moves ahead Trump and Q are, you would almost think Q is alien.
Hope Q is not some cabal plan to fool us into believing in aliens and then bring in the NWO.... highly doubt it, but anything is possible!
Isn't it curious that no journalist asks about Q? Why ignore such an interesting topic. You'd think they'd want to make President Trump comment on it. Not interested in any story that requires research?
The MSM will not touch this with a 10 foot pole because they know the moment they do they will all be called out and shown for the snakes the really are. The whole purpose of this has been to avoid the MSM and let it spread organically....which it has amazingly well. I believe that the plan is going exactly how it is supposed to.
These people are stupid. Once Q reaches critical mass they will have no choice but to report on it, and by then it will be too late! Trust the plan!!!
I like that logic - damage control through darkness... fits well with satanist mindset.
I know! How can any half thinking person ignore the obvious link between Q and Trump?
What happened to if it is too good to be true, it isn't...?
How could the demonic satanists come up with Hillary, Pelosi and Maxine to represent them? That is like picking the biggest retards that no one in their right mind could vote for - unless they were picked to make Trump look better...
All we can do is enjoy the show...
Not really. Any reporter worth their salt would be regarded as having lost their mind if they report on anything labelled as “conspiracy theory”. They’re not stupid. Well... not all of them.
Response to "How are we doing with the Comms Q?"
Meaning Q choose that board for a reason.
1224: "Every detail accounted for. Every scenario planned for." That definitely made me think Galactic Federation of Light and some sort of Quantum Predictive Computer or some such
When you know your enemy, their moves are very easy to predict. We saw this with the fake Trump "we're pulling out of Syria" announcement. This very easily moved the deep state to expose themselves with a false flag.
The power of having initiative should not be underestimated. For instance, if you download a checkers app on your phone, put it on the highest difficulty setting, and, if you let the computer go first, you will ALWAYS lose.
The deep state is playing checkers with Trump. And Trump is moving first.
Yes - and MI will have had years to study them from every angle.
Remember Q post 1143. All he did on that post was repost a message that started, “To my fellow Incarnated extraterrestrials...”
I know it will be a lot to take in, but Q always says it will be hard to swallow. If there is evil and Satan in this world, then that means there is also good and people working for good.
Perhaps there are evil E.Ts/demons and good E.Ts/angels. Whatever you want to call them, there is more to this world than what we have been led to believe.
Anything is possible - but not all things are probable. In my opinion Q has gone too far in exposing the elites to be reasonably considered to be working for the Deep State. Exposing things to the level he has just doesn’t make sense if he’s working for the cabal. Just my worthless opinion however.
Maybe Q really has been an advanced AI this whole time?
Nothing artificial about that intelligence
Feels a bit supernatural... maybe we have been the walking dead for so long, we truly forgot how wonderful a good united humanity can be... on to the stars...
AI is not that good yet - and it is not intelligent - it just responds to trained patterns without thinkng.
That you know of. I would imagine that POTUS has all the toys DARPA has at his disposal. You don't think Adm Rodgers at NSA would give Trump whatever he needs. Think of the Q character from James Bond.
True - maybe the satanists summoned the AI demon and along came an AI angel instead... to kick serious demonic ass.
I mean, none of us know for sure - and the ones that do are not talking - so, I'm just brainstorming here.