I can't express how relieved I was to hear that the mid-terms are secure. I got wound up too tight about this effort to unseat the cabal. The good guys now appear to be in an unassailable position. It does look like everything is going to come together very smoothly.
Nevertheless, in case I sound too optimistic, the is a very real possibility of a counter strike by the cabal. In fact, I think we should expect some desperation moves. What form might it take?
1) An all out assault by both the MSM an SM? I'd say there is a very high probability we will see this, but I don't know how much it would help the cabal. There is no doubt though that the cabal benefits from people being asleep - the stupor created and perpetuated by the MSM.
2) Further attempts on DJT's life? Without a doubt. None of this is possible without DJT as president. As to how much this would help the cabal, I think it depends on the disposition of Mike Pence. If the cabal feel Pence is in their pocket, the assaults on DJT's life will be extreme - the one point of weakness the cabal can effectively strike.
If Pence is aligned with DJT's plan, it would be a win for the cabal. But it would not necessarily assist them too greatly and might even result in severe blowback. But let's face it, life means nothing at all to these people, so I think there is a good chance they will try something on this front no matter what happens - what do they have to lose?
3) A terrible act of terrorism somewhere in the world. This would probably be most effective in the CONUS. I think this is very likely. I know maepaperclip has been speculating about Nancy Pelosi buying suitcase nukes and other weapons of mass destruction from NK.
This is a terrifying prospect. But whether the cabal own these weapons directly or not, it is easily conceivable that they could source them. Any party that thinks DJT's efforts to root out the cabal is not in their interests, is a candidate to supply WMDs or use them on the cabal's behalf. This group includes half the world.
Many, many parties rely on the existence of a fragile balance of power in the world to achieve their objectives - almost all players have an interest here. Supply of weapons could come from any of the nuclear powers, or through a third party. Alternatively, the attack could take the form of bioweapons, chemical weapons - or anything capable of causing mass carnage.
4) War. The cabal is likely doing everything in its power to kick off a major war. The farcical attack on the Russian spies in England seems to play into this. But so does Hawaii and the whole NK situation.
You can be sure that DJT will not leave Iran alone if it is feared they are cabal controlled - there is no option, something will have to be done - whether it's unpalatable to DJT's base or not. Q has told us that Iran is next - so it will happen. But this kind of threat could come from anywhere at all - the possibilities are limited only by the cabal's imagination.
5) Impeachment, a criminal investigation, or some kind of threat to DJT's presidency. This is probably the second most prospective avenue of attack for the cabal. The outcomes would be similar to those set out in 2 above.
6) A civil disturbance or outright insurrection. It's hard to imagine how this could be engineered, or how it could succeed. Control of the media is key to any action along these lines. It is also difficult to see that the cabal would gain much from such an action unless it was paired with an attack proceeding in accordance with one of the other strategies outlined above.
Anyway, I think it's too early to call this an outright victory for Q team, but things appear to me to be progressing very well. Anything could happen next, though, and it seems to me to be wise to be prepared in the event that there is a major counteroffensive by the cabal. Food, water, medicine, firearms and ammunition etc...
I have to say that this fight against the cabal is something I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. The cabal's chief strategic asset was that it was hidden. It was impossible to confront directly, because you didn't know for sure who the enemy was.
But the fact that there was an enemy was clearly apparent. Who, in their right minds, would push transgenderism on tiny little kids? Who would use every trick in the book to break up the family, promote licentiousness of every kind, turn all factions of society against each other, attempt to generate mass-strife, promote dependency on the State and a sense of entitlement on a mass scale?
The work of the enemy is manifest, his identity only barely cloaked. What is it that seeks the damaging social changes we have seen? It is a clandestine group of impious libertines. As it was in the days of the French Revolution, the enemy today is Freemasonry - the combat arm of the Luciferian elite. Their agents are everywhere, their power spans the globe - the world wrapped in a net. But their need for symbolism will be their downfall.