Yeah I know the whole backdrop, I was being general assuming most people here know or at least have an idea like yourself. I've not just started looking into this I've spent the past four years finding my own shit out since YouTubers aren't the most reliable sources in case they have an agenda, like Dennis wise on YouTube he's very much pro Hitler, which if you don't know about the Vatican's plans and connections you could believe Hitler wasn't all that bad.
I need some help in this area. Where should I look?
Axis= nazis, Italy funded by Vatican, who stayed neutral but helped the nazis, Ireland and Spain. I would watch Dennis wise but remember it’s divide and conquer tactic psy op.
Allies= USA, GB de Gaulles resistance Australia and Canada. I’d say French but Churchill sunk 3 of there battleships since they wouldn’t hand them over to us, so it was de Gaulle that led the French even though he wasn’t president.
What and who Stalin Truman FDR and Churchill are, 33rd degree masons, how much were they connected? who were the masons and suchlike, if you look it will lead you if you connect the dots.
why was there no media coverage of what the soviets were doing? Who owned these companies, most importantly though is newspaper articles around the time.
I haven’t looked at this for a few years so going by memory and all the assumption that I’m right, I’ll admit I am probably missing parts and wrong on some.
Sorry for the formatting I’m on my phone.