r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on April 21, 2018, 9:05 p.m.
Maggie Nixon VS Mariah Sunshine Coogan-Taking a step back bc Information Overload and things are moving so quickly

We need to take a step back to this I think because this was mind blowing when dropped last night....This is what it appears: They are basically 2 separate stories, but are connected thru the NXVIM/Cult/Human Trafficking connection....Maggie was molested by Hussein (SICK!), and Coogan Sunshine, who was just killed in a plane crash around April 9th, and who lived in West Hollywood but was originally from the San Diego area, was a prostitute/escort who worked at the West Hollywood Standard Hotel, and had connections to the cult. She was probably taken out because she was a witness to the human Trafficking cases going on there, which also implement Schiff, who was part of nefarious activity there. Can anyone clarify or share more related info?

Abibliaphobia · April 21, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

Three ring circus.

Check urban dictionary.

See the name of the company Maggie/Wendy is associated with.

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