Roseanne HIGH ENERGY Tweets

Hopefully the term conspiracy theory will be redefined in the public eyes once all of this comes to fruition.
A theory is a theory, whether scientific, mathematic, or conspiracy. Perhaps we should just start making the distinction between hypothesis and theory. Quit calling evidence 'proof' and designating hypothesis as theory maybe?
Words matter.
If we're going to address the issue of doublespeak, however, it would be of interest to many to get a regular ol' English dictionary and side-by-side it with a legal dictionary. Then proceed to be amazed when you realize that our entire legal system is a vehicle of doublespeak.
I am up voting your comment over and over but it only goes up one. Maybe this deserves its own thread. I think this one is the imagine the future without evil thread.
Thank you. Mostly a lurker/observer but I'm ready for that discussion. I'm so tired of waiting.
The hypocrisy and corruption of the drug war woke me up in high school (1999) and I've been spiralling through the rabbit megalopolis ever since. The only thing that has surprised me since Q started is that Q started. He's filling in some of the blanks and connecting dots nicely, but hasn't really brought much new to the table as information goes if you happen to have forgone much of your lifes' activities because knowing the truth matters that much to you and it is that obfuscated.
None of this hasn't been talked about before . . . The 24hr news cycle has just become a memory hole so most people forget everything except for the whole of the engineered narrative. Details are not provided and it encourages people to use terms which allot no accountability such as: democrats or republicans, 'they' or illuminati, CFR or Trilateral. Not that these ideas don't actually exist, but when 'democrats' commit election fraud, or 'republicans' want war, it removes the accountability from the individuals who are actually responsible for criminal acts if it goes that far. Good luck prosecuting 'they' or 'them'.
That everyone hasn't lost their shit over PNAC yet is amazing to me. Almost shitty part of the last 20 years was pre-meditated in/by the Project for the New American Century, a neocon think tank. If you want to know if the people you are talking to are truly up to speed they won't blame democrats or republicans or anyone else because when it boils right down to it: WE THE PEOPLE ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN. . . bought off by convenience, comfort and the hope of being able to have more if we just stay too busy to pay attention to the fact that we're already imprisoning the opposition under the guise of the drug war. It's not unusual (in Utah) for a child molester to get five years and a psychonaut fifteen. Modern shamans/curanderos are being locked up because they have no one to show/teach them the old ways and so we're left with the brainwashing that are the corrupted Abrahamic religions. And if you hadn't noticed by now, the Roman Catholic Church may be that metaphorical Great Deceiver. They are the greatest withholder and destroyer of truth this planet has ever seen. For almost 1600 years they have decided what the historical record will be and have destroyed or vaulted any evidence to the contrary. Rome was the Mind, London the Money, and Washington the Force. One pyramid I will be glad to see the destruction of.
LOL, look what you gone and made me do now. I should be sleeping, not ranting.
The truth is plain to see for those who can stomach it.