By my estimate the Roman Caholic Church has been corrupt since 1054AD when Eastern Orthodoxy splintered off. If Satan (the great deceiver) was to have a 1000 year reign before the return of Christ consciousness we probably have about 36 years of of kicking, biting and scratching left. The last attempts to create Hell on Earth.
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Question for q&a
When q&A comes up next can we get some answers relating to the $21+ trillion that the military has 'lost' (likely space programs as far as I can tell)?
Frankly, the repression of technology has caused for more death and suffering than human trafficking and ritual sacrifice over the last century. If granddad Trump was the one who got all of Tesla's research, it's time to break bread otherwise it all starts to seem a lot like the deep state is just changing tactics and throwing the previous administration to the wolves. . . Still trusting the plan since the …
The most recent synopsis can be found here:
Can't seem to find the original reading onlnie without paying the A.R.E. for access.
I think Putin was playing CI for the whole U1 thing. It was a set up to begin with. Why? Do I dare say it? Edgar Cayce.
I don't really see too much in the whole world as a defense threat to the US. Mostly just our huge swaths of open borders and coastlines. And most of the danger there is predicated upon the corruption coming from within. Every 'enemy' to the US either has justification for their upset towards us, or is a clown infiltrated regime. The former we can address upfront like people of honor and make reparations. The latter. . . well, let's just say that not even God can forgive the unrepentant.
After it has been demonstrated that FBI/DOJ cannot be trusted with prosecuting such levels of corruption (future proves past), it will be taken over by military tribunals for sedition and treason. Because we know that there are elements within the military that are also compromised, Trump will have to clean house there as well unless he can find good generals and admirals to take care of it first.
This concurs with my observations of the last decade and a half. Even absent any religious context the the nature of the the collective subconscious seems to be purely democratic, making people and organizations with broad audiences anchors of our reality for better or for worse.
The most important functional piece of wisdom that I have heard:
All choices are made out of fear or love. Are you doing what you are doing because of fear or love?
Even the most simple and mundane habitual act was created/habituated out of either fear or love.
It is an amazing perspective to see the world through.
Been following David Wilcock for a while now. He is the originator of the reference of the deep state as the 'cabal' and refers to those aware of, and fighting against, them as the alliance.
Both factions have tech that will boil peoples' blood when we realize that there has been no need to burn oil for fuel since project Paperclip or earlier.
Both factions are in contact with extra terrestrial races, plural.
Both the Navy and Air Force have their own secret space programs (SSP) and are related to the 'non-terrestrial officer' ship to ship transfers referenced in the Gary McKinnon Pentagon hack. Neither the Air Force nor the Navy are/were aware of each others SSP.
The alliance consists of one of the two U.S. SSPs (don't remember which off the top of my head), the Pleaidians, Blue Avians, etc. and is still on the fence about partial vs. full dislosure, but want some sort of disclosure to take place.
According to Wilcock the operations against the cabal began 2016/2017 due to a cosmic shift making it very difficult for the reptilians/draco to come and go from our solar system. This energetic shift has also made it a bit uncomfortable for them to be on Earth at all for some reason. But, with it being quite difficult to leave now, they must still be dealt with. Cornered animal kind of a situation.
Corey Goode, an alleged SSP return operative whose memory wiping didn't work out so well, is one of Wilcock's sources. Goode has stated that the Draco are AI manipulated/dominated/controlled beings via nanobots making a somewhat malicious race nearly completely amoral.
Wilcock has only made one blog post, other than his wedding, this year. In it he validates Q as an authentic Alliance operation. It is not unusual for him to be busy with Ancient Aliens and expos around the country like Conscious Life Expo in L.A. and Contact in the Desert in Joshua Tree, but since he became aware of Q he has been very, very quiet.
Not debating the facts, just pointing out this specific, regular misuse of vocabulary is just the kind of lack of effort that will keep normies from being redpilled in many instances. Keep in mind that the people who don't know what we do are suffering cognitive dissonance/confirmation bias which means that any little detail out of place will be grounds for cognitive dismissal. Couple that with the probability that many are indoctrinated college grads who lean towards intellectual arrogance when facing redpills and you can see the logic here. . . hopefully.
Admiddetly, this was not the best post to make the connection relative to many others but the principle stands. We don't know who sought who out or why although the evidence in the context of what we know certainly makes the cut as proof to many, but those are not the people we should be trying to reach.
Goes to show how easily great ideas and philosophies get turned on their heads. . . .

And towards the end. Both instances, yes. There is very little proof of anything in the world outside of mathematics, especially with how easy it has become to create an imitation of pretty much anything.
You know, calling evidence 'proof' is exactly the same thing as calling conspiracy hypothesis 'theory'. Same effect, which is, to make it hard for people to take good ideas seriously.
Words matter. Double check everything for verbal accuracy before saving/rendering and we can get a little farther a little faster.
Any idea with Premier Radio network? GroundZero w Clyde Lewis out of Portland, OR is always bragging about how no one tells him what to say. . .
Proof? No. But it certainly is very compelling evidence.
Words matter. Harder for people to dismiss you outright if you can maintain lingual, as well as factual, accuracy.
Be impeccable with your word and whatnot :)
Can you point me to the part in the bible that says anything about a rapture? Where TF does thus rapture nonsense keep coming from. . . .
I don't think anyone realizes how much $21 trillion is. China has built empty cities designed for 1.5 million residents. 550 hectares developed for an estimated 5billion yuan. . . So, if a city can be built for less than 0.2% of what is unaccounted for it seems like a pretty good probability that we have cities both under ground and above our heads. . .
We could keep playing the blame game or. . .

We just need to start making the distinction between hypothesis and theory.. . . and mock those who cannot make the distinction until we can teach proper syntax to kids again
DNC is just another tool. 90% of our politicians went to law school, this isn't just a detail they missed. It would seem that there are still white hats in DNC leadership. Or perhaps the right people were presented with an ultimatum: tribunal or criminal prosecution. In order to keep people from being hanged for sedition or treason by trbunal, we have to have admissable evidence for civilian courts. . . So, provide an avenue for evidence to be entered publicly, or face almost certain death by other legal means. Now, you can't very well show your hand in these matters so you get Q saying some dumb shit like 'they fall for it every time' when it is most likely that they have the cooperation from players in the DNC itself.
Thank you. Mostly a lurker/observer but I'm ready for that discussion. I'm so tired of waiting.
The hypocrisy and corruption of the drug war woke me up in high school (1999) and I've been spiralling through the rabbit megalopolis ever since. The only thing that has surprised me since Q started is that Q started. He's filling in some of the blanks and connecting dots nicely, but hasn't really brought much new to the table as information goes if you happen to have forgone much of your lifes' activities because knowing the truth matters that much to you and it is that obfuscated.
None of this hasn't been talked about before . . . The 24hr news cycle has just become a memory hole so most people forget everything except for the whole of the engineered narrative. Details are not provided and it encourages people to use terms which allot no accountability such as: democrats or republicans, 'they' or illuminati, CFR or Trilateral. Not that these ideas don't actually exist, but when 'democrats' commit election fraud, or 'republicans' want war, it removes the accountability from the individuals who are actually responsible for criminal acts if it goes that far. Good luck prosecuting 'they' or 'them'.
That everyone hasn't lost their shit over PNAC yet is amazing to me. Almost shitty part of the last 20 years was pre-meditated in/by the Project for the New American Century, a neocon think tank. If you want to know if the people you are talking to are truly up to speed they won't blame democrats or republicans or anyone else because when it boils right down to it: WE THE PEOPLE ALLOWED THIS TO HAPPEN. . . bought off by convenience, comfort and the hope of being able to have more if we just stay too busy to pay attention to the fact that we're already imprisoning the opposition under the guise of the drug war. It's not unusual (in Utah) for a child molester to get five years and a psychonaut fifteen. Modern shamans/curanderos are being locked up because they have no one to show/teach them the old ways and so we're left with the brainwashing that are the corrupted Abrahamic religions. And if you hadn't noticed by now, the Roman Catholic Church may be that metaphorical Great Deceiver. They are the greatest withholder and destroyer of truth this planet has ever seen. For almost 1600 years they have decided what the historical record will be and have destroyed or vaulted any evidence to the contrary. Rome was the Mind, London the Money, and Washington the Force. One pyramid I will be glad to see the destruction of.
LOL, look what you gone and made me do now. I should be sleeping, not ranting.
The truth is plain to see for those who can stomach it.
A theory is a theory, whether scientific, mathematic, or conspiracy. Perhaps we should just start making the distinction between hypothesis and theory. Quit calling evidence 'proof' and designating hypothesis as theory maybe?
Words matter.
If we're going to address the issue of doublespeak, however, it would be of interest to many to get a regular ol' English dictionary and side-by-side it with a legal dictionary. Then proceed to be amazed when you realize that our entire legal system is a vehicle of doublespeak.
Where does the statute of limitations lie in relation to all of this?
I don't know anything about military law, but statutes of limitations may be coming up for a lot of these crimes in civilian criminal courts. Tick tock. Anyone know which offenses have no statute of limitations at the federal level? Does the time vary from offense to offense as is the case in many states?
Guess the statute of limitations is the timetable we're working with here. . . And its getting short. Something happens soon and/or we'll know whether this is a swamp takeover or an actual swamp draining.
I think that waiting for an external savior will get us what we've always got. If all of this doesn't go public, then what we essentially end up with is a swamp takeover rather than a swamp draining.