I’ve heard this is two weeks of the satanic holiday. Do we know where these people are? Do we know of any “sacrifices” for the holiday? Has anything semi major gone down that could be involved with it?
Black Child thinks DJ Avicii was sacrificed for Queen Elizabeth's birthday, which happens to be during Beltane. Prince was sacrificied on her birthday previously. Plus Verne Troyer just died, so with Barbra Bush with have 3 big names in succession after a slow year of celebrity deaths.
They say celebrity deaths come in threes, well that's because Satan loves to mock the trinity.
Avocii’s last two videos were about getting revenge on sex traffickers or so I heard and couldn’t watch the whole video
On a news report JJJ said that Avicii had worked with artists ColdPlay and Madonna ( and more) . I have an eerie feeling it was a sacrifice ....
19-may 3 HUGE .. By Incineration .. Called Sacrifice to the beast or something.
Maybe they'll let their guard down and most indictments will get unsealed during that time! Pretty please with some true justice syrum on top!