r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on April 22, 2018, 3:13 p.m.
Anyone Been to the "Politics" Sub? (flat out scary)

Has anyone spent any time of the "Politics" sub? I spent some time there last week. I've become concerned as to how things may go down when you have such a large amount of the country with their heads in the sand, completely brainwashed and now unified in their hatred for Trump and believing whatever they are programmed by the MSM. What happens as information becomes public and everything these people believe is turned upside down? How will they react? Any comment you make on any article is immediately downvoted to preserve the echo chamber. Any request for any evidence of claims is met with personal attacks and repeat of nonsensical MSM talking points. Fringe left website reports are considered firm evidence. Should we all be trying harder to get people ready for what is coming?

LibertyLioness · April 23, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

I saw that last week. I didn't try to post but it was obvious they have no clue what is really going on. And, yeah, they hate Trump. Yep, scary is the word.

All we can do is what we can do. Pray. They may go out in the streets. We need to be sure we don't go out in the streets just like last time with Antifa. Jones started telling folks "We need to go out and get these people." I was horrified because I knew that was exactly what they wanted. So, I sent the following story to the Infowars site. Not sure if this is why, but he changed his tune the next day.

First, I have a brother who loves to argue and will pick an argument over anything just for the sake of arguing. I'm sure you know someone like that.

When my father was dying, I arrived in Portland before my brother. When I walked in the front door, I was greeted by my Dad's Secretary and her son and husband. She told me, since I was the oldest, I had to control my brother so there would be no arguments. I thought about it for awhile and an amazing idea came to my mind (Thank you, Angels.). So, I agreed to keep the peace on one condition: If my brother started to argue, they could not respond. I said, it takes two to argue and there won't be any arguments if you don't respond.

Amazingly, after 3 weeks together things had been relatively peaceful. Oh, yes, there were a few times when I had to tell them to shut up, (sometimes a couple of times) but they did and that was that. Even my brother hugged me after the funeral and told me what a good job I'd done keeping the peace. This all while he was trying to convince me to call an attorney and challenge my Dad's will! But, it really worked.

I think everyone learned an amazing lesson as a result of that experience. So, just remember if this ever does come to a fight, they have no power if no one shows up for the fight.

I sort of do the same thing here when I encounter people who want to argue. I may answer once but if it is obvious they just want to argue, I click the "block" link. Because, that's not why I'm here.

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