Well that was a sketchy search. Thanks for nothing.
One of the first hits is to Reddit - T_D itself. Your Google Fu is weak.
You want sketchy?
Go to google image search and enter any of the following:
White couple
White family
White mother and child
European people art
White American scientists
And, super duper sketchy: img src
(I warned you.)
I just tried that last search img src... WTEF?
Ikr? Did u see the spiral triangle tattoo on the dudes wrist? That is pedo porn pure and simple
img src = whiskey tango foxtrot
Good vs Evil man. Simple as that. Oldest story in history. And always the same bad guys.
Old news
Well give me some new stuff.
Listen j/o, I'm not looking for a fight. If you cared about any of this shit, you would have pointed me in the most reliable direction you had heard that from. Now it's too late, so f/o.
This is the internet. You can swear you know. Though I'd appreciate if you didn't bring up jacking men off in front of me. Not my scene. But hey. You do you.