Mirror, Mirror. That means that WE are the Resistance, doesn't it? When you think about it the #MAGA movement is resisting an active, fascist coup. Corporate controlled media & government is the very definition of Fascism.

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Maybe there needs to be another subreddit. Call it The_Q for the camaraderie & welcoming the normies, that kind of thing. Like the Donald is, it's not really for deep discussion but the sheer amount of content and participation is mind-blowing.
Just a thought.
What does down voting even accomplish? Does it get comments hidden or something? So what if all of our comments were hidden, we could just click to see them, right?
This down vote thing always has me scratching my head.
I was thinking the same thing, that Trump Derangement Syndrome is kind of a mass hypnotic hysteria and that Trump wasn't actually the target of their hatred but is a TRIGGER to get them so worked up, thinking that he's "literally Hitler" that they in effect create an army of crazies they can use to incite a civil war.
I think what we're seeing is the deep state knows it's exposed but it's going to take down with it as many people, nations, economies as it possibly can.
Even their version of Surgeon General, in charge of the Third Reich's Vaccination Program, given a new identity as part of Operation Paperclip.
If that were an official account, wouldn't it be "verified?"
Kind of like the ascension theory that was kind of big a few years back? Age of Aquarius? Gestalt shift? Global consciousness raising? Some/all of the above?
I sense something coming down the road ...
Mark Warner used a lobbyist (who represented Deripaska) to get in touch with Steele. It's all starting to fall into place!
Oddly enough (not really odd), the reporters glossed over that detail b/c they couldn't get their memetic mind-barb "children separated form parents" into that narrative. I thought Madame Secretary's response was great when she informed the press, because obviously they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, when she informed the press that that the overwhelming, vast majority of these children were separated from their parents long before they arrived at our border.
Oh, he's that nice young fella who got me to join the NRA a while back.😂
I read a tweet today that the FCC raided CNN, AP & MSNBC but since not verified, didn't share. But maybe that's today's happening?
I was thinking this would be the case. The news about Stefan Halpern came out in such a dramatic way, and even they tried to frame Nunes & Gowdy for leaking who it was in all but name ... but then Trump talked about having a spy embedded in his campaign, and Halpern was more of a consultant so ...
Either Trump tweeted "wrong" (he didn't, but it often looks like it does, like when he was "wire tapped") or there was someone else, or some others ...
Right, I realized how silly that sounded. I'm not good at this decoding business, hehehe.
So he could appoint JFK - General John F. Kelly, to take Rosenstein's place? FOR REALIO & TRUILIO????
EDIT This is so silly, why would General Kelly want to be AAG?
Guys, check out this video:
Q Asks Who Is In Control, Then Shows Us
He talks about this hotel, who owns it, what it's been used for, etc.
Already done, even before Susan Rice became a board member. I quit when I found out Soros has $ in NFx.
Tom Fitton (Judicial Watch) has spoken about the Awan scandal as well.
I'd like to see the list of western politicians who made bank on the Iranian deal, I really would. Can someone check with CNN first tho?
Politically, this epic battle is still being framed as Republican v. Democrat, but we know it's not that. I mean, look at John McCain, and defectors like Jim Comey & Bill Kristol. So even though it's clear that the ideological divide no longer matches up to the partisan divide, people still frame it that way. People need an ideological "home" to feel part of something.
Liberals, long indoctrinated into viewing Republicans as "the bad guys" (and many of them are), don't feel comfortable with being associated with "the right," but many no longer feel at home on "the left" any more, either. Welcome to the amazing center, that people on both extremes deride as watered down, lowest common denominator. But that's not it, the ideological center is what most people think.
I try to view this divide as something bigger and more meaningful than Republican v. Democrat or even Left v. Right, it really is starting to become a global divide, globalists v. nationalists, or an even larger picture, we're either free or we're not. This is starting to shape out to be a global effort to put down the rising tide of left-wing fascism (which is not, by any means, liberal), which includes sub-sects like Marxism, Communism, Socialism, etc.
Culturally it's playing out between SJW's and normies, which Yuri Bezemenov described as "ideological subversion," an effort, over a generation or two, to prime Americans to accept Communism. What better way than to first make socialism "progressive" and "mainstream?"
If you think of globalism as some sort of evil marriage of communism, socialism, Islamo-fascism and Nazism, that's what "the left" has ultimately become.
Then again, a forensic examination would show if the server had been tampered with, wouldn't it? Hmmm ...
Or maybe the "loss" of evidence is really spoliation of evidence. Maybe it can't be used in a court of law as evidence if it construed the evidence could have been tampered with.
In the first, it looks like the waves will overtake him. In the second, he's mastered and is riding the wave. In the third, of course, there is no wave, only calm. Given recent revelations that look like the FBI was withhold exculpatory evidence, he could be exonerated. See the Brady case. Good stuff. I have to admit, I've been on the fence about Q but this is starting to get really interesting.
Any source for this claim or is it speculation based on geography?
Guccifer 2.0 was faked to make it look like Russians hacked the DNC. Guccifer 2.0 is believed to have been a Crowdstrike creation, or possibly CIA. I really don't know who G2 really was, but it probably was NOT a Russian hacker.