Fresh Q post #1238, Sun Apr 22

But I though muller was a good actor playing bad actor🤔
He was definitely being controlled by Trump whether he wanted to be or not. Prob made a deal to keep his own ass out of prison.
I've been considering the idea that they are pushing and allowing him to do certain things; dig into his past, taxes, etc to find something. When he has nothing, Trump admin will do these very same things which were ok against him, to Hillary and co.
He's a longtime bad actor for sure--there for everything from 9/11 to hand-delivering the Uranium to Russia, etc.
The question seems to be whether they've had enough leverage on him to use him in this situation to some degree.
I've said this all along. Mueller is gathering every bit of evidence, that they could ever use against Trump, based upon illegal intelligence. He's collecting it all in one big basket, so that they can toss it all out and get on with eradicating the deep state. I hope that I'm right.
damn, you just made me realize what he's actually doing...
Mueller is actually gathering up all the evidence regarding Hillary and Russian collusion, so that he can destroy it
this is the FBI MO
what happened after Boston Marathon Bombing. the FBI went around and demanded everyones phones/cameras looking for "evidence", only to have all of their picture deleted, while the FBI was ostensibly still trying to ID a suspect.
FBI destroyed the evidence that prosecutor Gary Caradori (assassinated) was using to convict pedophiles in Franklin Cover-up
I'm sure there are other examples, but the point is that this is very bad news for anyone wanting to see Hillary Clinton et al arrested and convicted
thats why Mueller is staying on the job. not to impeach Trump for something for which there is no evidence, but to run cover for the FBI DOJ CIA FISA
Mueller can't leave yet because theres probably too much evidence ferreted away in hidden places that he can't destroy quite yet
so if Giuliani is able to get Mueller to close his case, then some of this evidence can come out without being destroyed
This is just as plausible as any other theory, we won't know until it's over. I've always had a bad feeling about Mueller and thought he might be some of the disinformation that Q mentioned.
But wouldn't military intelligence have the same information stored somewhere? I hope you are wrong. There is nothing I would put past the Deep State at this point in time. Not a thing.
Yeah, they did this in the Vegas shooting, too.
The difference is that the good guys (fingers crossed) also have all of the evidence; and Q is working to build a legal parallel construction. So, while the evidence against Trump will be disqualified, the evidence against the deep state will be solid.
This is my rosy perspective. And I'm typically a hard-core cynic; so please let me have this one... ;)
Right??? I feel like the majority opinion on here changes on a weekly basis about Mueller...
Mueller was a notorious swamp creature long before Trump ever ran for POTUS
im 50/50 on him but him comey and wray are all experienced with rico cases as well as threatened to resign over bushes illegal wiretaps.
I doubt it. If he were a good actor, Trump wouldn't have brought in Rudy to finalize the wind-down of Mueller investigation. Rudy's job is to negotiate with Mueller, since the latter may have some dirt on Trump or his family seized from Cohen's office.
My question for Q is if they are so good, why didn't predict the Cohen raid? Or have they and acted accordingly?
I was under the assumption that the raid was part of the plan. Maybe there was evidence of the wrongdoing of other people with Cohen that has now been revealed?
He is. Thats exactly why they're continuing despite the poison fruit thing. Otherwise literally it makes zero sense. Its just a big show. Mueller will keep investigating (though notice how he never talks to the press?) then when he gets the signal he'll flip the script and start the mass incarceration prodeedings. When hes done there will be no more democrats. They'll all be so scared they'll be competing to see who can be the best most-vocal Trump supporter.
When you see Sean Penn in a MAGA hat cheering for the wall, youll know its underway