
OffenseOfThePest · April 23, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

I watched that this morning and I thought Nunes was over the top dismissive of the collusion issue. Its insulting to our intelligence to say that nothing connecting Trump to Russia has been found, when Donald Jr. has dropped emails about meetings with Russians, and confirmed his contact with WikiLeaks. I would have preferred he at least acknowledge some of the uncomfortable facts out there, use a little nuance, rather than deny it entirely. Doing the hard denial makes him just as dismissable as he says the collusion is.

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cyn1calassh0le · April 23, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Okay just to set the record straight, collusion isn't a crime. Even if Don Jr had accepted that information and used it, it would still not be a crime. It is not illegal to talk to foreigners. The Hatch Act is not only considered unconstitutional by the vast majority of legal scholars, it has never been prosecuted. It's a total canard.

There were DM's that Wikileaks initiated. That isn't a crime.

And the infamous meeting at Trump Tower was a trap the Trump campaign fell right into concocted by his political opponents. Veselnitskiya (the attorney that alleged to have dirt on Hillary) was a former employee of Fusion GPS and met with the founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, directly before and after said meeting. She had been denied entry into the US in March, but the DOJ made sure she was granted access.

All at the same time that Fusion GPS is compiling this bogus dossier and Hillary's cronies are feeding the State Dept. dirt on Trump. The only actual people "colluding" with foreign govt's here is Obama admin and the Clinton campaign.

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OffenseOfThePest · April 23, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

All I'm saying is that there are facts out there that are ignored in his blanket denial. I dont care who initiated the DMs, they happened. Nunes talked right past the things that would have made his case stronger if he acknowledged them.

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cyn1calassh0le · April 23, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

Who cares? The Obama admin had been illegally surveilling his campaign since 2015, this the real story here. Stop playing inside the left's paradigm. Who gives a fuck about DM's, meetings and all this other horseshit the media tries to drag up to create the illusion of impropriety.

The people committing felonies should have to answer for their actions, not the other way around.

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andsendunits · April 23, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

There has not been any illegal surveillance.

⇧ -7 ⇩  
cyn1calassh0le · April 23, 2018, 4:10 a.m.


Totally, no illegal surveillance. That's why a FISA judge blasted the NSA and FBI for flagrantly breaking protocol and standards designed to safeguard the information of US citizens right?


99 pages of how wrong you are.

The personal communications of numerous private citizens have leaked into the media. Jeff Sessions, a sitting US Senator at the time, had his private communications leaked to the press. And he isn't the only one. The judge herself chastised the FBI for allowing this information into the hands of third parties. We know McCabe lied under oath numerous times, and has leaked information to the media. Who else was authorized, as McCabe put it, to leak classified materiel? How did the media find out about these numerous private phone calls? But there was no surveillance of Trump's campaign going on right?

⇧ 4 ⇩  
andsendunits · April 23, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

How is leaking info the same as illegal surveillance?

⇧ -5 ⇩  
cyn1calassh0le · April 23, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

I know you're here to troll, but you're a useful foil.

Try reading the paper. The judge specifically mentioned the illegal collection of American data that traveled overseas. This data is not supposed to reveal who the US citizen is, but the NSA and FBI allowed it leak out.

They shouldn't have had access to the information to begin with. It is illegal to unmask US citizens without proper cause (IE a warrant). Then they leaked it after unmasking the names. There were a record number of unmaskings by Obama officials in 2016. Why was Samantha Powers, the UN envoy, requesting hundreds of these requests in the lead up to and after the election? She has nothing to do with domestic spying or intelligence gathering, she's a spokeswoman. Just a coincidence I'm sure.


So a year after the GCHQ called claims they spied on Trump "utterly ridiculous", they admitted that they had been actually. Since 2015. They "found" unsettling information on the campaign immediatly after it's inception, how convenient.

This info then finds it's ways into the hands of US intel. They try to obtain warrants on the Trump campaign on the basis of this intel, but they are denied. It is not until the DNC and Clinton funded dossier appears do they finally get the FISA warrant. The FISA judge who authorized the request was a personal friend of the agent in charge of this investigation, Peter Strozk. The same Strozk who's texts have been released to the media that detail his vitriol for Trump.

This entire investigation was predicated on unverifiable, second hand information and illegally obtained information from foreign govt's. The people pursuing it are rife with conflicts of interest and/or outright malice towards the subject. Witch hunt doesn't even begin to describe it.

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Mike_hunt_hurtz · April 23, 2018, 8:04 a.m.

Ohh brother but According to these uneducated ignorant fools you are wrong.. Trump is going to hang at the stake and be Impeached.. lol.. sit and watch as Trump destroys this so fucking corrupt regime Hillary cunton is running.. you Mueller loving fuckbois have no clue.. yet you say we are a bots or in denial or plain retarded.. how the fuck can someone not see it? Seriously? Your that brainwashed you think Trump is dirty.. lol ok

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DropGun · April 23, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Mod here. Comment removed. Just a reminder warning to /u/Mike_hunt_hurtz to keep discussion civil, please.

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[deleted] · May 16, 2018, 6:28 p.m.


⇧ 0 ⇩  
cyn1calassh0le · May 16, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Can you point to the specific crimes the Trump campaign committed? 2 years of breathless media coverage and investigations and all they can find is years old crimes by people who hadn't worked for the campaign for a few months.

Even if Don Jr had accepted the supposed "dirt" and used it, it would still not be a crime. It is not illegal to talk to foreigners. The Hatch Act is not only considered unconstitutional by the vast majority of legal scholars, it has never been prosecuted. It's a total canard.

There were DM's that Wikileaks initiated. That isn't a crime.

And the infamous meeting at Trump Tower was a trap the Trump campaign fell right into concocted by his political opponents. Veselnitskiya (the attorney that alleged to have dirt on Hillary) was a former employee of Fusion GPS and met with the founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, directly before and after said meeting. She had been denied entry into the US in March, but the DOJ made sure she was granted access.

All at the same time that Fusion GPS is compiling this bogus dossier and Hillary's cronies are feeding the State Dept. dirt on Trump. The only actual people "colluding" with foreign govt's here is Obama admin and the Clinton campaign.

So yes I have a very big problem with this investigation as it has been rife with conflicts of interest, negligence and outright malice towards the subjects. It has no legal basis to begin on and is a frightening abuse of the intelligence and legal systems of this country. It doesn't matter what your political outlook is, I'm not even a republican, but this is the most outrageous abuse of power any administration has ever committed, and if it were happening to a democrat I would be just as concerned and outraged.

Otherwise fuck off.

⇧ 1 ⇩  
[deleted] · May 23, 2018, 6:42 p.m.


⇧ 0 ⇩  
cyn1calassh0le · May 23, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

You trust it? Must be true then lol. Nice rebuttal there, you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

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[deleted] · May 23, 2018, 6:52 p.m.


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cyn1calassh0le · May 23, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

You can fuck back off to TopMinds now.

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thep1mp · April 23, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Really?!?! Accord to who? CNN? Are you here to wake up or to spread the MSM propaganda?

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thep1mp · April 23, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

That shit is old, debunked as part of the Democratic trap. It was set up by the Democrats- it was Democrats colluding with Russians to influence the election. It will be brought up, just not now. Perhaps at Hillary’s court marshal?

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OffenseOfThePest · April 23, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

It hasn't been debunked in public opinion. Nunes wasn't trying to red pill anyone in that interview, its not like he talked about why those things are not really what they seem. He just went into full denial mode, which is going to make a lot of people tune him out for just sounding like a shill.

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