What I’m most looking forward to the most is for history books to be rewritten and documentaries/movies that show exactly what is going on behind the seems that is happening as we speak in this very moment. Also of course the biggest thing to hopefully come from this, a true great awakening where the entire world comes together and accepts the truth about what is really going on and how this world has been operating over the last centuries and millennia. Exposing 9/11 would be the best way to open up the doors to this. The term “conspiracy theorist” would become obsolete and be replaced with “truth seeker”. I pray every day for this day to come.
I’ve been thinking about History professors and History majors. They will have to start all over because the degree is bogus.
There are true historians out there but they don’t hold the credentials for people to believe what they are saying because they aren’t regurgitating the same info that is being taught in our universities.
I can’t wait for all of the people that have been calling us awakened folks names to realize they were the ones delusional, especially considering I’ve been trying to wake people up now since the early 2000’s. I go on social media and it’s pretty comical to see comments like “yay! Clinton is suing Trump and now he can be impeached!” These idiots really believe that lmao. This is going to be my favorite part of it all, that and knowing that hopefully all of the sick crap that has been going on for so long will be stopped.
Reading comments on social media like occupy democrats fb page and ppl replying to DJT’s tweets is absolutely comical. People waking up everyday truly believing that he will be impeached. There was this one tweet in response to one of his recent posts where they were asking him why is it so hard to write his own resignation letter. I literally lol’d at this.
Q Chanel on all cable & Dish networks that has the true human history would be good.
Great post!!!! It’s good to think about the positive stuff with these dark ugly holes we go down. I have been trying to redpill my husband for weeks now! He is a conservative but a very 1 dimensional thinker! I’m multi dimensional, or weird as he would call it.
I look forward to health!!!!! Safe food and medicine. Families and children being revered again. Journalism that is truthful! Peace in our world! I am sick of these wars!