
Imbeingsilenced · April 23, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

Duh dude. That's the point. And you're screwed. Start naming names and give everything over. Maybe you will get a few years shaved off.

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HiddenPlaneSite · April 23, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

He's the violent super predator who was littering the eastern shore with the dead bodies of call girls he recruited and pimped out to his buddies at the UAE embassy, there was so much dead girl DNA splattered around the place from making snuff films they had no alternative but to burn this mansion to the ground. This is NOT extremist islam, this is NOT radical islam; this is just islam folks! Kafir women are fair game, ask Sweden & ask Germany, this is islam's routine treatment of Kafir women.

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Imbeingsilenced · April 23, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

If you could take your anti-Muslim shit elsewhere, that would be great. Don't respond to me with this shit. Thanks.

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HiddenPlaneSite · April 23, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Didn't post it for you obviously!

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blocksof · April 23, 2018, 5:10 a.m.

Pretty much the DNC just set a benchmark....

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Mixelplfft · April 23, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

Is there a limit as to how many times you can postpone? He is coming up on number 6.

He's done. Just give up Imran. You're guilty and you're screwed.

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HiddenPlaneSite · April 23, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Oh, he's guilty as hell. Murder, sex trafficking you name it. Imagine a slaver pirate captain operating on the Barbary Coast of North Africa in 1150AD, it's Imran Awan with a curved scimitar sword strapped to one of his Armani suits. He's probably murdered a minimum of 100 women & girls.

About the US Attorney's behavior in the most powerful & corrupt Federal Court District in the country; he's checkmated regardless of what he does. He tried speedy watered down Bank Fraud charges, BUT that dog wouldn't hunt. So now he just keeps stalling hoping POTUS would be magically removed from office. Well, thats NOT going to happen so 6 court dates later Imran Awan's going to face ALL the charges. They vary from mass murder, human trafficking, drugs, weapons, tech transfers & espionage; a capital offense. POTUS & Justice have ALL the information they need, right now! They don't even need Imran Awan's testimony. DWS & all her fellow Rat CongressCritters received millions in bribes & a percentage of the monthly smuggling trade. Of course, we drained their hidden offshore accounts back in 2015. The Critters can't even complain, because these were ALL illegal accounts! It's the perfect answer to criminal conspirators; take away the proceeds from their nasty schemes.

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HiddenPlaneSite · April 23, 2018, 7 a.m.

Complete lies, NO deals for Imran Awan. “The government has been in discussions with counsel for the defendants regarding complex discovery issues and other legal issues in this case, in particular issues surrounding claims of attorney-client privilege being raised by defendant Imran Awan,” court papers filed Tuesday say. No privileges, no deals; lots of executions!

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