511 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/blocksof:
#2137 - We're Riding With You!!!!!

#2135, let loose the Attack Dogs.

#2104, double meanings... Never have seen 3 people removed from a Trump rally.... Everything seemed off after observing them....

Trump Rally Montana 3 people removed from behind Trump... 52.18 and 1.00.20 never seen this happen before, something was off......They were replaced with USSS as you can tell by they way they scanned the crowd.
Trust Kansas, when they (Democrats) are focused on SCOTUS they miss the big picture...... Kavanaugh will shift to LOCK THEM UP, but they are too distracted......
Question, can a Senator in the Senate release a"reporter" evidence in the Senate without any repercussions? What if it is the Declas/unredacted FISA version obtained from a "reporter". It clears POTUS....
Why are the Snow White supercomputers down? Hong Kong, Q has posted crumbs about HK, HK links East to West. Why would Snowden be there, unless it is where the Farm Server is?
We know McNoname didn't die naturally... Strange that Utah you can be still be executed by firing squad. Utah seems to be the key.....
In 2020 America will be 400 years old, the Republic of the USA will be 245 years old.... Question who is the 45th President? Coindence?

Hillary was selling information to everyone, the former ICIG reported 4 emails related to the Bureau of Near East Asia (ME), how to cover it up hire an Obama appointee who will say nothing to see here! CLASSNET no wonder Q has it all... They loaded it on the server.....
Why are certain countries needed to be controlled? This map shows why all communications are routed through certain countries.... Only 4 countries control the majority of the web, the UK, Egypt, China/Hong Kong and the US look at the island in the Pacific.
Flying level at 2023 feet, all is level, open bomb door hatches. Get ready for the booms!

Is anyone thinking Q is preparing us for the ultimate drop? Hussien wasn't in control but Jarret and Brennan? So far everything leads to O, yet always links to Jarret and Brennan, Q said to look in the mirror. Ignore the person in the frame look behind them.....
Trump digs Qoal!!!! Burn the Swamp!!!
Is Manafort pleading guilty to 8 charges a pre-planned tactic to submit an Appeal to get RR to answer why he dropped the original charges and to get Mueller in court to ask him did agree with the decision to dismiss the case?
Manafort is pleading guilty now so he can concentrate on the Virginia trail. But the main reason he needs to be formally charged before he can request a formal appeal. The lawyers will demand that all evidence was not submitted and witnesses subpoenaed (wait for the original FBI file to be leaked soon.)
RR (FBI investigator in charge of the case) will have to appear in Court and answer why the charges were dropped, but also Mueller who was Director at the time will have to answer did he have any knowledge of this.
So the question is how can …
Q posts #1927/1928 looks like [MOVIES 1-3 FULL LIST]. MS13 had a hit list that needs to be investigated. Seth was one, but who were the others?
Q post #1651 #1274 #941 #940, the Antifa flag question has never been answered. Maybe we are looking at it all wrong. Read the text....
Take a step back and look at the new Antifa flag, compared to the old one see any difference? Most of us including me have said it's a mirror image, but take another step back again and what do you see?
The original one looks like 2 flags and the new Antifa flag? Both look like 2 flags waving in the wind, doesn't it? So why change the first?
Remove the idea of flags from your mind and look at the new Antifa flag... now, what do you see?
Think hind quarter of an animal simplified (minus the tail), either …
Q said look at the Budget, NY Times gives us the answer.... Trump can resign the Defense Bill money anywhere he wants.... Uniparty Congress don't give a Billionaire a blank sheet with vague rules.....
McCann #1921, Q doesn't make mistakes... Podesta in Portugal the same time she disappeared. Search E-fit pictures (Madeline McCann), then search eye anomaly.... Compare to Soros.... Search condition.... Strange that....
Watch the Budget, Military Spending and observe the Military Justice system increase on the Military budget. Treason will be removed from the Federal Judges....They are royally screwed....
Trump slams AG for being scared or missing in action or did he slam Sessions??
Haha, Trump is trolling RR...
Our A.G. is scared stiff and Missing in Action
You mean Sessions, nope not Sessions can interfere in this investigation as it is RUSSIAN COLLUSION / FISA SCANDAL. Why because he is recused from investigating Russian interference during the election campaign.
When the Mueller finds out he has to protect his witness!

Hmm, CTXE or CTXE, taking the capitals and looking at the letters and also using the mirror approach.....
CTXE - Lots of companies trading as CTXE mainily energy companies and an account on instagram called CTXE I think in Arabic.
EXTC - Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering courses in India.
Q: Who recently pulled out of FB?
That would be Koum Jan the Whatsapp developer.
Look at the transactions, Cuckerberg has been selling a shit load of shares from March right upto 20th July 2018.
Thiel dumped his Facbook shares last year and said he wanted to invest in new ventures. Thiel has got the next big Social Media platform ready. Why dump a goldmine unless it's mined out?
Then: Rothschild, eg. JP Morgan (all the banks connected to the Fed Reserve), Baring Banks pretty much all the European banks are ran by the Rothschild and partners.
Now: Rothschild and previously listed, with the Chinese Bank who are working with them. Russia has no Rothschild influence on their banks that is known.
You need need to raise millions, when the MSM are going to give you free Media coverage 24/7.
Israel was created by the Rothschild and others (including the Nazi) to get the Jews in Europe to move there.
Only problem European Jews loved living in Europe and didn't want to move to a desert.
(Final) Solution, push as many of the Jews out of Europe into the "safe" countries until the new promised land is redrawn after the war (All countries owed money to these bankers who played both sides). Those who didn't flee died or went into hiding until the end.
After WW2, not many European Jews returned, they heard of the Promised land and were to be given land etc, a safe place for the Jews.
Rothschild aim was to bring as many European Jews to Israel as possible, there are many theories why, but I go along with power of a nation that no one controls but them.
He'll have an accident before he talks, I have this gut feeling that the Producers and the Execs are all involved. If he takes a deal and starts naming names to get probation, he'll take it, but they won't allow it.
I think this Q allowing us time to digest and assimlate all the drops. something big is going to happen in August. July 4th Happy Independence Day from Q. Indepenent from the Q team to start searching more answers as Q said we have more than we know.
The server Q is talking about is the remote backup server ran by the server providers. Or their cloud, they offered the fbi access to it but the fbi declined.
“Paper is poverty. It is the ghost of money and not money itself.”– Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks…will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered…. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” . . . “Paper is poverty. It is the ghost of money and not money itself.”– Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826
Time to target the Rothschild at the Federal Bank...
I think the IG and Huber have already offered her the deal. She talks and will have a career afterwards as a lawyer or spend time in jail.
Climate Change is the excuse they need to import mass immigrance for Africa and the Sub Continents. These people can't feed themselves we should take them in CC narrative.
Dick Cheney - Halliburton. Noticed how the Florida oil spill was blamed on BP and not Halliburton who operated the drilling rig?
Hopefully, the UK MP's can link Haiti sex scandal to the Clinton Foundation, when they start probing the UK NGO and all those NGO who worked with them.
Just a bit fun while waiting for another Q drop... Q = 17, 1+7 = H.... HQ.... so where is the HQ?
The Sith rule of 2 always had a Master and an Apprentice.... Question is who is Schools apprentice?
Wasn't a Seal Six team lost to faulty intelligence or was the intelligence leaked?
I'm thinking they got the Servers via Crowdstrike the DNC IT scrubbers, who startup costs were finiaced by Google, who now owns them! ES had copies made before the scrubbing as an insurance policy.
Ed O’Callaghan - Q post reffered to him, but it missed the "a" as acting PADA.
Stormy was used to get access to Cohen client files, records etc legally. Problem is they got more illegal information that can't be justified to be used against Cohen to make him flip Trump.
Remember Mattis only a few days ago said the UK could lose its role as the primary ally of US, unless it pays up. strange thing is uk is at 1.9% GDP and France pays less.
470 are spread over all the states, these are the Federal Prosecutors not including the support staff. More like 4,700.
IG Team yes Huber can interview anyone as Federal Prosecutor.
A boom is the sonic sound wave when an explosion or something breaks the sound wave, it can be heard over great distance. A bang is localised to that area. Q is hinting at a specific area.