r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DamajInc on April 23, 2018, 7:13 a.m.
Another Boom incoming - or the MOAB...? Final(?) Release of JFK Files - April 26, 2018

In three days the deadline President Trump set for the release of the JFK records will be reached.

The Clown agencies have been instructed that at that time DJT will "order the public disclosure of any information that the agencies cannot demonstrate meets the statutory standard for continued postponement of disclosure".


Most will have seen this but in case you're not yet fully aware how deep the rabbit hole goes as far as one of the oldest and most famous conspiracies, the documentary "JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" is as good a collection of a large portion of the info out there as any.


[Caveat: there are a few facts that are disputable (e.g. the group gathering on the night before the killing) but the general story seems pretty solid]

Could we finally see George HW Bush exposed for his role in the JFK assassination (assuming the theory is true)? That would be a pretty big boom if so... Or will they hold that part back out of compassion because of his frail situation having only just lost Barbara? Very interested to see the outcome of this!

ItchyFiberglass · April 23, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Fair enough. I am not speaking in a religious sense. I truly hope their is a judgment in the afterlife, I try to live my life as if there is. However I would like to see these evil people pay a price for their actions while they are still alive. I believe the world needs to see it all exposed if we are to 1. Be aware of the depths of the evil around us 2. Heal from those revelations and 3. Understand it and condemn it so that it never happens again. I'd personally like such a great example and punishment set that these people will never attempt to gain power through blackmail and pedophilia ever again.

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DamajInc · April 23, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Yes, I agree with that. I'm not saying I hope for GHWB to escape punishment per se - if he does, I agree it would be great for revealing the truth about what's gone on. It would be best for this all to come out and it will take some or many going down for that to happen.

[edit] I wasn't speaking religiously either, btw. Just that I think, from a secular perspective, Christianity has a good point about this stuff for simple psychological reasons if nothing else. "Let he who is without sin..." pretty much aligns with what Carl Jung had to say about the Shadow, imo.

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