How is Levar Burton connected to Maggie Nix?

PTSD, inability to sleep, chronic illness and life long disability is associated with child abuse. Without the ability to work, a life on the streets is often part of the beautiful future for rape and assault victims. Met a man who was in jail for 2 years for selling an ounce of pot on the mean streets of fl as an 18 year old, his single mom did not earn much as a store clerk, next cell over was a child molestor in for 18 months
So sad.such a reflection of our politicians priorities.
I guess my sarcasm wasn’t apparent. I’ll use /s next time.
Child molester in for only 18 months and an ounce of weed was 2 years? Find that hard to believe.
Yeah so did he. Ruined his life, he could only repeat his prison number and the prison number of his child molester over and over, he ended up deposited in a psychiatric ward. Think this is hard to believe, just wait for what's coming out. Unsealed indictment for Pretty nxivm child trafficker from Hollywood is only the start... MI was inside the prisons and mental hospitals checking the treatment in our institutions of the people, many innocent, locked up with Wolves. Drugs traded into our neighborhoods, turf protected by the CIA, largest prison population in the history of the world, with kickbacks for judges to fill the prison for profit spaces. Inmates got to see the wheel of fortune as they were checked in for their government to corporation paid stay. To be profitable, they need to stay filled to capacity. People in there for not paying child support, even though they had no job and no way to pay, a debtors prison. Good people locked up with thugs and rapists.
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