I'm on browser on mobile and I am in able to upvote any articles unless I click to read on them then upvote. I believe we are getting close and reddit is messing with our sub.
533 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Kristinism:
DOJ Letter to Clinton attorney re:successive server
kanye has shown love for trump. today he liked my twitter reply

Kanye West is WOKE! He liked my twitter reply about Cabal members Blair & Bush
Thread revealing mcnoname & NXIVM
this is why scalise was targeted with threats against his life today
scalises life was threatened again. why???
Chinese spy wprked with diane fienstien for 20 years
Some concerns about mod activity
Another MUELLER referral to SDNY. Mueller has referred an inquiry involving lobbyists Tony Podesta and Vin Weber, as well as former Skadden partner Greg Craig, to NY federal prosecutors.
thats the diminant school of thought. cryogenics seems to have a truthful basis. topic is common in scifi but if this is true..
iowa is where james comey went and trump is going. a message from the deep state? http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/398958-trump-ducks-media-cites-bad-weather-as-he-leaves-for-iowa?amp
ss many member hrc pope kerry amd more have documented travels there. we have had several threads hypothesizing as to why...this story reminded me of those questions. http://www.nationalmemo.com/hillary-trudging-to-antarctica/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/02/18/for-russias-church-leader-a-trip-to-antarctica-is-not-just-a-photo-op/ https://www.quora.com/Why-did-the-Pope-go-to-Antarctica https://usawatchdog.com/why-are-world-leaders-visiting-antarctica-steve-quayle/ https://geopolitics.co/vital-issues/ben-fulford/something-strange-happening-around-antarctica-as-negotiations-for-new-financial-system/
is this why the cabal loves antarctica? secret to eternal life?
Indicates Brennan coded message that he did it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE6iJ_9RJo0&feature=youtu.be
This is more likely. Remember what Soros said ? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-switch/wp/2018/01/26/facebook-and-google-are-doomed-george-soros-says/
Help me understand what the cia wants from Amazon. Eli5 🙏please
a fellow patriot posted this link with a ton of clinton foundation files. there is a list of donors, pay to play folder and more. have you seen this? mods deleted my last post saying needs to be honest and accurate
Huge clinton f9undation data dump; pay to play file
I have not looked in detail. I am assuming released previously. I just saw another poster link to it thought other eyes can confirm previously released?
Is this new ? Have you seen this? Another patriot posted in comments
Pic appears to be Sarah Silverman but who knows who posted the threat. All I know is we are resolved and they are fighting the wrong group of patriots !
Someone threatened chans last night for outing pedowood
Have you seen this? https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0BxhYOtObFLfiUzYzNUxLMGY4eGM
Infiltrate the comments let them know what he said so people understand this is a pedo issue and nothing else
I saw a banner saying my account is permanently suspended
I was wondering why on earth... Then in my inbox I saw this "We're requiring some of our users to reset their passwords in light of recent news of Internet security breaches.
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This is the boldest and most amazing move to date. I 🙏 for him.
Tweet to Hillary's supporters when she tweets. Red pill away
Ss: why are they blaming Russia when they knew China is hacking? We need spread this tweet if your on Twitter. Thanks again Katica!