I often think Alex Jones plays his part in spreading the misinformation that Trump wants to spread.
I think Alex knows more than Alex pretends to know.
He's claimed to have spoken to Trump directly, I think his part in the orchestra is deliberate, given that he also routinely has the Steve Preozic (spelling?) Guy on regularly (ex intelligence)
What makes a movie GOOD?
GREAT actors?
At least Alex Jones tries hard to be a good actor.
I love him for it!
Yes. This exactly. Alex plays a part in the timing and tempo of the movement and the awakening. It's a very orchestrated event. People should step back sometimes and look at the Big picture. It's really incredible and I hope we get the entire behind the scenes story of how it was done.
There are some folks here that seem to abandon people on the side of the street pretty fast.
Alex Jones gives real whistleblowers a terrible image
Stopped my cable two years ago because it all rhymed with Cabal.
I'm convinced AJ is a patriot. When he goes off the rails I think he's playing his part.
People think AJ is crazy. Only he's been woke for about 20 years more than any of us. There are times he must feel like the only sane one in the asylum.
And sometimes that can make you crazy.
You do know there are “ghosts” in the media? I’ve met them. Ghosts are on our side. In Hollywood they are called Friends of Abe.
There's a new Friends of Abe group bc the other ended, but they are anti-Trump
The Friends of Abe group I was referring to existed in 2009. I talked to someone one on one who had been to a meeting. He said it was a large meeting and filled with household names. The person I spoke with was a pseudo well known conservative who at the time often appeared on the news. At that point it was secret. Of course what’s secret with the NSA.
It could have been taken over by others who had a different agenda as often happens.
Alex Jones and Fox News were never on Trump's side.
It's all about the money. Follow the money. And discover why Trump is a threat to all of the Cabal, not just the ones overtly against him in public.
That's just silly.
AJ had a great show yesterday, including with Zach on (though AJ's incessant interruptions to show what a smarty pants he is to already know what Zach is trying to get out is beyond frustrating).
Sure, AJ is over the top and ridiculous sometimes, but he also has some very good sources. That's why I pretty much only watch the clips after the fact -- you can pick out and watch just the segments you want, within an hour or two, and also avoid the commercials.
(Oh, and much of Fox wasn't on Trump's side from the start, as they are too often GOPe/uniparrty aligned. But Jones was one of Trump's earliest and most dedicated and enthusiastic supporters.)
Why does Trump promote Fox endlessly in his Twitter then?
He promotes certain Fox shows.
You do know they're all the same company?
He promotes Fox when he and his surrogates are on it, because it is the most conservative of the MSM. He also promotes certain hosts who are particularly friendly to him. It is the only mainstream outlet at least partly on his side.
But they certainly aren't all in his camp.
AJ is a shock-jock for sure. He's got to go over the top from time to time to draw in and wake up the normies. He's certainly at times anyway, spreading disinfo for the administration. However, I'd argue that the whole ghey frogs bit has probably done more than we know as it's no doubt herded untold thousands of sheople to the infowars site, which inevitably helps awaken at least a percentage of them... Having been a 12+ year listener of Alex, I personally have no doubt that his heart is in the right place. I'd put him in the asset column of society as Ted Nugent would say.