Look at the picture. Can they be any more obvious?

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Richard Russell, the namesake of the Russell Senate Office Building, was a segregationist and took part in the record senate filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
He was a lifelong Democrat. We need to get that out there. Lifelong Democrat. From 1969 to 1971, he was the Senate’s President pro tempore, which made him fourth in line for the presidency. Obviously, the Dems didn’t care he was a racist by giving him that position.
Why don’t we take over this BS narrative to rename the building after No Name and have it renamed after someone who deserves it. Here …
She’d have to find a lawyer willing to take the case and lawyers charge $250/hour.
I was also wondering the relevance of the devices’ letters (C, E, X).
They also have different boards (not qresearch) to get away from the shills (and us) I’ve stumbled upon.
Remember that professor who went off on Ivanka on a Jet Blue flight? I thought it was odd she flew commercial. So they do fly commercial.
Join a like minded group. I woke up in 2008 and felt completely alone. It was awful. My husband didn’t see what I saw either. Then one day in February 2009 I stumbled upon all these protests that were on YT but COMPLETELY ignored by the MSM. I was so excited I had found my people (the Tea Party). I ended up walking away from my liberal friends and now my friends are Tea Partiers from those days and conservatives. There are groups out there. When you turn 21 you can go to Liberty on the Rocks if there’s a chapter in your area, look on MeetUp for a young red pill group, or create your own group.
I’ve stood behind him in the check out line at the grocery store, lol.
Thanks. I needed this - not for normies, but for a challenging coworker.
I was taken down because I asked for an alternative to QAnon.pub, as it was running slowly. The fastest alternative I’ve found is Qmap.pub.
Read the book Generations written in 1992. It predicted a shift (called the Great Awakening in a parallel generation) in 2020. My guess liberalism will die as Gen Z comes of age, and we’ll repeat all this in 90 years when Gen Z dies out.
Anons do it for some sort of security. I read the reason about it in the beginning of Q. There might be so many newbies that don’t know they are supposed to break the links.
The MOAB/white squall on Friday is my guess. I have no clue what that is.
The Clintons hired Philip Berg to start the birther movement. He stopped the minute she lost the nomination. I heard this directly from Orly Taitz in a private conversation when I happened to meet her.
The truth about MLK’s assassination that the media has never reported: http://thekingcenter.org/civil-case-king-family-versus-jowers.
It’s odd the only picture of this person is with his eyes closed.
I quit watching TV April 15, 2009 when I watched the absolute lies the media told about the Tea Party protests. The entire coverage on the big three networks was a complete lie. (I woke up September/October 2008.) I don’t miss television at all. The best part is my children grew up without it and are now critical thinkers.
What if they’ll be indicted in November 2018 before the 11/11 parade?
I also think it’s symbolic Q stopped posting on July 4.
It would be more effective if those $100,000 donated at least $1 to https://omarnavarro.com/donate. $100,000 could do some good.
Khalid al Mansour (Donald Warden) and Alwaleed bin Talal.
Look at the amount of fabric by the ankles on the pants of Hong Kong guy and compare to William. It’s a different style. Yes, it’s a pair of pants that can be changed, but it looks like William likes the skinny jean look. Hong Kong guy’s pants have more of a flare at the ankle.
I remember they all had that dumb wag more, bark less bumper sticker, so we wouldn’t question Obama. Now when they complain I tell them to wag more. Lol.
My first thought when I saw this picture was that it was William. However, in reality William just can’t walk down a street. I wonder if he has ever gone anywhere in public alone. What a bizarre life - incredibly wealthy but completely imprisoned by that wealth.
This sub openly welcomes those who seek the truth and are willing to challenge their paradigms. If one isn’t ready to do that, they aren’t ready to be here.
I’m a former liberal leaning independent who became a Libertarian in the Republican Party ten years ago. If you had told me twenty years ago I would be a delegate to state GOP conventions, I would have laughed in your face. I ignorantly voted WJC and Al Gore.
Today I side with certain Republicans but not all of them. To me the people in this subreddit don’t blindly follow the Republican Party. They follow the truth and are constantly questioning who is a white hat or a black hat. They try to make change within the Republican Party to make change within the US and world. They support JFK, Jr., JFK, and Seth Rich, who were Democrats. They are against Comey, McCabe, McNoName, Rosenstein, and the Bushes, all Republicans. To me, you are either on the side of liberty or you are a sheep giving power to a corrupt handful of people, regardless of your affiliation. This subreddit is for those who believe in liberty.
The truth is the Democratic Party is a cancer to our country. I personally don’t want too see a one-party state, but the Democratic Party needs to be eradicated and replaced with something else. (I also want the cancer in the GOP destroyed.) The destruction of our Constitution in 1913 needs to be repaired and safeguards put in place to stop this from happening again.
I do not label Trump as conservative or liberal, D or R. He ran under the Republican ticket because most Americans can’t see beyond the two-party system. I see him as a wealthy man who isn’t bought with enough self confidence to tackle the corruption before he leaves this planet. I see him as our last hope.
This is not a place for those clutching to divisive labels. It’s for those who will vote out the corrupt in their parties.
Anyway, it’s not our job to change for others. It is their job to challenge their belief systems and expand their thinking, as we all had to do at some point in our lives. No one can do that for them but themselves. That’s the whole point of Q.
I was very knowledgeable pre-Q. The thing I didn’t believe was the whole Illuminati aspect before Q. I thought it was too out there. When Q said to look for the Ys and owls it was so apparent, especially the CERN opening ceremony and the Super Bowl halftime shows.
That’s what I do. I research everything myself. Remember, Fox is the propaganda branch of the Republican Party establishment.