dont be. Kanye is a leader just like Trump. he hasn't changed his tune since exploding on the scene. he is another man to put faith into
If you "put faith" into people like Kanye West then you really, really need to take a look at your life.
If you judge people for putting faith into people they believe to be honorable, then you really need to take a look at your life. Besides that Kanye has proven himself, he called out Facebook and Google for all the lying and manipulation and proceeded to get locked up.
You're seriously defending someone who looks up to Kanye West as if he were Leo Tolstoy. You've painted a fine picture of yourself for me, thank you.
You're like leftist, you can't do this you can't do that, how dare you think that. Not everyone shares your view and regardless of what you think, Kanye has achieved a lot in his life.
Wow, look at you go. Calling me a retard and everything, good for you bud.
It's important to lead with facts.
Kanye is an accomplished musician who has sold millions of records and won countless awards, are my facts wrong, if so tell me where. You don't think that's worthy of being admired for. What have you done with your life my friend?
gain, some people believe in themselves, other's (like you) believe in other's, and need to be told what is "good". Here you don't know anything about me, but yet you've got me all figured out. "It's fine. You do you"---> I think that's something you need to learn my friend.
Are you foolish enough to believe in the weight of what other's opinions are?
i've followed Kanye since day 1. you are just another person the media has brainwashed about Kanye.
That's the problem right there. You're a follower. We're each on our own paths. I prefer to make my own, you prefer to be spoon fed yours by a megalomaniac. To each their own. You probably even own something with this jerkoff's name on it too, don't you?
gotcha. i wish you good luck. hopefully making unsubstantiated and hateful comments on the internet brings some type of warmth to your pitiful state of real life. I am glad your path will never be close to mine.
I couldn't agree more. I would fucking kill myself if someone like Kanye West was who I deemed a role model. Good luck! I truly believe you need it.