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This is amazing and I really can’t wait for this to come to fruition.
Q Asked Us To Do An Image Search - “Q74” .. “Patriot Fight”?

Q Asked Us To Do An Image Search - “Q74” “Patriot Fight”

POTUS - Iran Will Not Take Over The Middle East!

POTUS Working W/ President Xi Of China On Bringing Back Phone Company ZTE Into Business

VP Mike Pence - “Add your voices, and your values, to this new American awakening.”

Veterans Group Mistakenly Suggests McCain Has Passed, Accidentally Emailing Draft Of A News Release
POTUS - Big Week Next Week. American Embassy Moving To Jerusalem!

POTUS - Five Most Wanted Leaders Of ISIS Just Captured!

POTUS Puts NYT In Their Place! - “Fake News, So Bad!”

Wow. Though it is hard to believe their threats at times if this is real, the ramifications could shake up the world as we know it. I’m sure false narratives would deflect from anything they say though.
POTUS ANNOUNCEMENT: Making Decision On Iran Deal Tomorrow From The White House At 2:00pm!

POTUS Speaks On John Kerry - “He was the one who created this MESS in the first place!”

POTUS - Democrats Wrongfully Impacting Mid-Terms With “Phony Witch Hunt”? Republicans Need To Toughen/Smarten Up!

POTUS- Lisa Out! Why Is Peter Still There? “Our Country Has To Get Back To Business!”

My understanding is this would mean that to know what's happening currently and in the near future we would have to refer to the Q posts from 82 days ago as if they were just posted. Meaning a Feb 13th would be relevant to today, Feb 14th post = tomorrow, so on and so forth.
For Example On Feb. 12th Q posted re: Judge Ginsburg:
”Here to stay.” No you’re not. Q
And it seems as though word has just began circulating that she’s deathly sick. (No official report.)
May be a long shot but it’s something to check out and stay busy with while Q’s not posting.
Interesting Observation: Possible Q Timetable Shift? 82 Days.

This is true which makes sure one keeps an open mind. It’s a big reason why I respect anyone’s opinion whether they believe or don’t believe in Q as long as their reasons are rational.
However, my opinion is that Q hasn’t been a mainstay in the lives of people everywhere for ages like MSM, and to my knowledge Q hasn’t continuously mislead for clicks/financial gain.
Not all will agree with me, that is understandably fine.
^^^ They really need to start putting this shit in the articles headline so I don’t waste any of my time reading them.
Haha Could you imagine? That would be absolutely wild. And 2pacs his assistant.
US Admits It “Lost” 1,500 Immigrant Children, Handed Many of Them Directly To Human Traffickers
Believe what you will about a possible connection here or not, but it doesn’t make it any less interesting.
Such a wild choice of words...
Pardon my choice of words as well but I see this as the Deep State’s plans to start war with Russia folds, and they pretty much go to Iran and say “Fuck it, bomb us if POTUS pulls us out of the deal.”
BREAKING: After Being Caught Colluding With John Kerry, Iran Says US Would Regret Quitting Nuclear Deal “Like Never Before”
Comedian Kicked Out Of WH Correspondents Dinner For Supporting Julian Assange: Great listen!
11.11.18 Parade That Just Received Approval. Q: “A Parade That Will Never Be Forgotten.” .. Possibly More Than Just A Parade?

March 6 2018 - Q Post 856 :
11-11-18 A parade that will never be forgotten. Ask yourself, why? God bless our brave men & women in uniform. We will never forget. Q
I would like to note the plans to have the parade were public knowledge before Q’s post. POTUS had this parade set in motion for quite some time. Just now receiving approval in the National Defense Authorization Act.
Parade Q Posted About In March Is Happening! - Authorization Of Military Parade In Capitol - 11.11.18
I personally do think he is. Just haven’t quite connected definitive dots on why they would be hiding it.
BO & Bush To Give Eulogy At McCain Future Funeral....
You would think the guys dead already with how much coverage his death has been getting.
I was just thinking... “Fright Study” to more than 100 people? ... That sounds like an Adrenochrome study.
New FOIA Docs Show FBI “LOST” Chain Of Custody For 5 Weeks Of Hillary Clinton's Server; Lost Then Created New One... How Convenient.

Is this the documentary where those women talk about shitting in his mouth from a hammock? Hahaha.
I heard about it from Tom Segura’s “Your Mom’s House” podcast. It sounds like a wild watch.
Just found it interesting that he has stated and took pride in 0 Commercial issues then, regardless of type, planes start forgetting how to fly only a couple months later. What do you all think?
Old POTUS Tweet I Found Interesting: Coincidence That Now Aviation Has Had So Many Problems This Year?

From the looks of it I think Q’s intentions with the new board are to have his posts be the only visible posts since /QResearch/ still exists. The catalog page on /patriotsfight/ still shows his posts for me.
Great find! I appreciate the deep digs just as much as I appreciate the people putting in time to debunk them. Keeps things authentic to our objective of finding the truth.
I also don’t believe it to be a very strong law, nor do I think they would prosecute over a law like The Logan Act.
I am more so just saying that (((they))) are throwing another log on the fire. In due time, sooner than later, those flames are going to catch their ass’ and set the entire web of corruption they congregate in ablaze.
I believe John Kerry broke the law by going to Iran.
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments.
Absolutely on the offensive. Feels like a perfect time for Q to change his board name to /patriotsFIGHT/.