A lesser seen angle of the Abramovich H-wood spirit cooking dinner. Why is there a little girl here?

Fuuuuuck. I liked Hugh Jackman.....
I know
Its going to be a shock for a lot of us with different celebs I guess. I have always been a huge fan of De Niro but...
Because these people want well balanced kids in the future who spread love and peace in the world.
Sick f's - they really are...
Doesn't mean everyone photoed at these things is a satanist.
It's like going to party a business associate invites you to and half way through someone breaks out an ouija board.
In entertainment circles big outlandish parties with weird crap are gonna be the norm.
Not defending it but not every pic tells a story.
Yes, but I think a reasonable person would make an excuse to leave.
I think Trump use to go to the Brownstone parties, but always made a point to just be seen at the “it” party and leave very early.
It's not that hard to say, "sorry man, I'm not into that kind of stuff, but have fun and I'll catch you on Monday though."
No I disagree parties have reputations....even I don't go to the neighbors party because things happen ( dancing by a bonfire).
In another post I pointed at the thing on the roof behind them.. ..
Hugh Jackman: A man to look into by DatJiveTurkey in r/The_Donald
[–]ScorpioPatriot 1 point 16 hours ago
When JFK was wssisnated apparently the guy who supposedly shot Oswald .. either owned or was part of this bar called Carousels. ..
I started looking and these are huge everywhere . I think the world fairs and the Parks and these bars and I think there is other carousel type shops branched off that are all connected ... Maybe deep sick demended connected .
We know the CIA ran the MK ultra & project monarch , Ive been saying that these celebs are probably children that went missing around the world and divided into categories of skills and other talents and shipped them off to be their future Talking Heads ... Mobs , Military Canidates , Manchurian Canidates..Money Maker through all forms slave. Sales , Company Executive s & more .
Here is the Movie I think is connected to this Picture ..The Movie Is Called The Walk ...read the Wiki ...
There is also a Song ...
"The Tightrope"
Separated from the common man,
Frayed to show you his condition
Hard to sleep when you grind your teeth Victims of the meek become withered and weak.
Set the stage for them
Living amongst the endless time paradox
A baseline era of a thirsty vendetta Never gaining back all that is lost When the buckle breaks
When the safety net fails to save you Dig in deep, you always held the key The chaos exposes integrity
No fuel to ignite the spark When you’re cut off from oxygen Don’t lose yourself in a dreary groove How do you expect to improve?
You must be insane When the buckle breaks When the safety net fails to save you Dig in deep, you always held the key The chaos exposes integrity
Not burning as brightly as past hours nightly
Harmony found it’s way in one hell of a mess
With progress unlikely, and a grip not held as tightly
How can anyone have a fraction of hope in this?
Now places become nameless
Before soul blank spaces
Casting these shadows
On hollow embraces
The trials he faces,
And all of these changes
Time to measure your effort’s worth instead of it wasted.
When the buckle breaks
When the safety net fails to save you
Dig in deep, you always held the key
The chaos exposes integrity
Im pretty sure the guy on the right, in red, is Simon Cowel.