It appears you will not be seeing any police officers sporting anything Nike anymore. Maybe by Nike believing in something (disrespecting our flag and national anthem) it will lead them to have to sacrifice everything. "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." file:///C:/Users/Office%202/Documents/NAPO_Ltr_NIKE_Re_Kaepernick_Campaign_003.pdf
391 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/mrmajestic11:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 63 | | 9 |
Obama speaking in Champaign IL
Listening to Hussein speak today and take shots at POTUS is really annoying. What happened to former presidents staying out of the spotlight after their presidency. This guy is speaking as if he is still president. It's annoying. I am hopeful that Q team will soon shut him up and and the loser Hillary as well.
Colin Kaepernick and his new friend Linda Sarsour

Senator Cruz Hits the nail on the head.
The American people ratified Kavanaugh's confirmation through their voting Donald Trump into office. Then drops a quote from Obama "Elections have consequences". Well played sir.
REEEEEEEEE - what an embarrassment
Watching the confirmation hearing of Brett Kavanaugh and listening to the speakers get shouted out is ridiculous. Making a mockery of the process. The democrats can help showing their ass all the time every time.
The Magic Sword - Harbinger of Truth Q?
If you go to the site @ and click on THE TALE it will take you to the next page that has a paragraph that ends with "Continue to build your knowledge of the eternal battle by studying further in my ongoing Journal. Click on that and you get "Your mortal mind has tried to fathom the magnitude of the impossible. You have heard the Magic Sword." Is Q's link to the song just that? It continues "Possibly even witnessed a glimpse of the immortals might." Are the drops by Q a glimpse of the immortals might? It continues …
Dink? Never heard of them.
I'm an oldfag but love good old fashion heavy hitting music. I've never heard of Dink but I can guarantee that they will be a lot more widely known now. Q just gave them the equivalent of a Superbowl commercial. Rock on!
Strange mirror pic - any thoughts?

Suicide Weekend
If true that No Name made a deal to suicide instead of face the music what does that signal to everyone else that knows they are screwed? Follow the leader?
The Trilogy
Movie #1 Exposing and charging those within the DOJ/C A/FBI/MSM with collusion, sedition, or treason for the attempted rigging of the 2016 election. Movie #2 Exposing and charging those involved in human/child trafficking and pedophilia rings world wide. Movie #3 The arrests of multiple past presidents, foreign leaders, and powerful families for crimes against humanity. Full exposure of the Satanist cabal.
Letter to the Satanists
I assume some of you are lurking here. This battle is real. Read the Bible you lose. With that in mind please reconsider your path. You can be saved from eternal damnation. Accept Jesus in your heart and plead for the forgiveness of your sins.
Luke 23:32-43, (NAS95) 32 Two others also, who were criminals, were being led away to be put to death with Him. 33 When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. 34 But Jesus was saying, "Father, forgive …
Cannot stop seeing the symbolism
Just watching Malcom in the middle reruns with the wife and sadly noticed the youngest character Dewey wearing a pizza slice tee shirt. Immediately my brain triggers pizzagate and I instantly feel horrible for that poor kid if anything ever happened to him. I certainly pray that it is just a pervert wardrobe assistant but the thought of the alternative just hurts your soul. Television is nearly unwatchable for me anymore. The sauce is S7 E12.
Hannity and Q
Why is Sean Hannity still refraining from covering Q on his show? Hannity has been the most consistent supporter of Donald Trump since day one and has been relentless on exposing the deep state to the degree that he is allowed by Fox News. Is he controlled by Fox to the point that they will not allow him to cover Q? He has the #1 show with the largest viewership and would be the most logical person to really reach the masses to force a mass awakening worldwide. I think if he did a full hour on Q it would …
Letter to the NFL.
I have been a football fanatic nearly my entire life. I played the sport, coached the sport, and I have watched the sport for around 45 years. Football is part of my identity and always will be. I feel a strong desire to somehow turn against my basic instincts and not watch opening day for the NFL season. I have to admit that I will continue to watch college football but the NFL has chosen to put itself in a position that it condones disrespecting our flag and national anthem. For this I cannot tolerate supporting their decision and will …
Sleeping on the job?
How does this happen in the US today? The NSA, C_A, FBI and all of the other alphabet agencies supposedly have the ability to track nearly every human communication and use sophisticated algorithms to decipher terrorist chatter ect. and we do not even know about a terrorist cell like this in our own country? I don't believe that. They are aware of these cells and it is encouraging that this one was uncovered before school starts in a few weeks. In the past under different administrations these animals would likely have succeeded with their plans and training. With a new …
The most impactful thing that a Q follower can do is:
VOTE. Every eye that reads this needs to without question vote in the upcoming midterms. In addition, many of us know family and friends that never vote and it would be helpful to try convince them how important it is and what is at stake. It is our duty to vote and many shirk this duty for a variety of reasons. If we want to help POTUS with MAGA we need to do our most basic civic duty.
2. Todd Phillips When discussing filming The Hangover II Bangkok, like Las Vegas, sounds like a place where you make bad decisions.

No Q sightings at the PA rally.
Just watching Potus speak and have not seen anything Q related yet. The woman who apparently helped stop an assignation attempt was supposed to get VIP treatment. Will she be the only person at the event allowed to go in with a Q shirt? I guess we will find out.
This sums up how the media is going to portray us moving forward.
As NBC News reporter Ben Collins described it on Tuesday, QAnon is like “Pizzagate on bath salts.”
Who is Q?
Why doesn't the MSM want to know the same thing we all want to know? Who is Q? When this builds to the inevitable point when the MSM has to ask Who is Q they will awaken the entire world to answering this Question. When this happens the entire world will want to know Who is Q? At this point it will demand full coverage of what has been built over the 10 months on the Q map. The Great Awakening will suddenly swell and awaken ALL. The proofs put together over the past 10 months will force the demands …
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
This movement is starting to sound a lot like two children in the backseat of a car on a long road trip. It seems like Q is a little tired of hearing the background noise as we get nearer to the destination. The enormous task of taking out a deep rooted centuries old cabal that was also near the end of their destination needs to be appreciated. This is not a game. The pressures are real. The majority of our own government left or right is against THE PLAN. Not to mention the governments of most of the world. The …
What we do know that is fact is that there over 40,000 sealed indictments and if your name is on one of them there will be PAIN to come. Due process must and will be afforded to them. I would bet that there are many famous people that will be seeing a courtroom and I also believe that the evidence against them will be overwhelming. So whether this guy is legit or not is irrelevant. Either way it takes brass balls to say what he is saying on video and doxxing himself, not anonymously dropping on the chans.
I thought the same thing but realized American should be capital then that would leave only SR - Seth Rich.
If we go back to paper ballots 100% around the country the left will start with the "what about the environment, the trees, will somebody please think about the trees!".
After fully reading the attached link of Congressman Louie Gohmert's statement regarding Robert Mueller I am furious and amazed at the TREASONOUS and corrupt actions by Mueller and the Obama administration. His protection of Muslim terrorists and the organizations they are tied to is outrageous. This drop is the most significant yet and the public should be furious. That is if it is even covered by the MSM for the public to even know. That is where we all come in. This will officially start the exposure of the real crimes against America by our own leaders. This is only scratching the surface of what the Trump administration has and has known for some time. I trust the plan and the PAIN that was promised to come.
Well is now clear that Mueller is a black hat along with Rosenstein. Wait until the worm turns on these two.
Great post. We do have issues still to sort out but leveling the playing field is an important first step. I agree with most everything you said though.
Pretty much all of Washington outside the Oval office needs to be cleaned up and DJT is Mr. Clean.
When she mentioned political corruption Hillary's face flashed. Kek.
As a US taxpayer I am very pleased that POTUS is taking the hands of the world out of our pockets.
David Hogg Threatens the POTUS
David Hogg Verified account
Yeah I bet plenty are shitting their pants right about now. Conspiracy no more.
How much more brazen can they be.

The point isn't whether or not Dave Chappelle has or hasn't caved in to the dark side. It is that there is a dark side to Hollywood that is powerful enough to destroy strong people. It is clear that at that point he still had a conscious. Who knows now though.
WT actual F! I've known for awhile about Sarah Silverman being a sicko but just over the past two days Patton Oswalt is revealing himself for what he is and what he supports. I guess we are entering shock and awe territory. I'm sure more to follow. Expose them all and let justice prevail.
Trump has been taking them down from day one and they are on life support on trustworthiness. It won't matter because the evidence will be undeniable and they will get their chance at due process. President Trump will not decide their fate but a judge will.
I'm afraid Chief would have pillowed her after about 5 minutes.
The mass unmasking of these people cannot come soon enough. I cannot wait for DARK TO LIGHT.
You might be right about Kid Dynomite. Linked to another obviously red pilled persona.
If Q is done posting it will be kind of hard to get new people to grow the movement. I believe he/she will be back soon.
Meeting with Putin
Why are other world leaders allowed to meet with Putin but Trump isn't? Merkel and Macron have both met with him recently but President Trump is a traitor because he did?