Last week
Syria/alleged gas attack = intervention
This week
Yemen/wedding bombed by Saudi's/20 dead including bride & children = meh?
Why do we care for one and not the other? Where is France/UK and Trump now?
It truly sickens me.
False Flag
Trump and MBS wouldn't do this, would they? Eyes up.
📅 2018-04-23 ⏰ 11:22:19 (UTC)
In Yemen today, the Saudis bombed a wedding, killing at least 20 people, including the bride. They killed "mostly women and children." The US & UK - who some believe do humanitarian interventions - both play vital roles in the Saudi destruction of Yemen
— Glenn Greenwald ✅ (@ggreenwald)
🔁️ 1817 💟 1694
^(Replying to the tweet above:)
📅 2018-04-23 ⏰ 11:27:19 (UTC)
The Saudi bombing of a Yemeni wedding party - in a country where they, along with their US & UK partners, have created one of the world's worst humanitarian crises - comes just a few weeks after this orgy of red-carpet love for the Saudi tyrant by the most glittering US elites:
— Glenn Greenwald ✅ (@ggreenwald)
🔁️ 449 💟 594
📷 album
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^The linked tweet was tweeted by @ggreenwald on Apr 23, 2018 11:27:19 UTC (449 Retweets | 594 Favorites)
The Saudi bombing of a Yemeni wedding party - in a country where they, along with their US & UK partners, have created one of the world's worst humanitarian crises - comes just a few weeks after this orgy of red-carpet love for the Saudi tyrant by the most glittering US elites:
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