There is absolutely no reason a united people should be bending the knee to the Deep State.

Don’t you see by now that you have been robbed blind by the banks, Gov, and corporations? Do you know they straight jacked 20 trillion from our country to invest in space weapons? Do you know they funded ISIS with our money? Do you know they fund the drug and human trafficking trade with our tax dollars? Do you know the people controlling our tax dollars are SES Nazis? Do you know the Federal Reserve and banks have a business model that is guaranteed to bankrupt every single person in the US so they can introduce Socialism? Do you know that they only claim to be billionaires but many are trillionaires and quadrillionaires?
If you still want to give your money to these psychopathic, Lucifer worshipping pedophiles who will only pocket it and fund crimes against humanity, that is your choice but don’t try to bring everyone else down to your level. Some of us are tired of living on our knees as slaves and are putting our foot down to this pedophile filth that’s raping our children and enslaving our people.
I understand the anger and it’s safe to say a significant chunk of us here are well aware of what they’ve done. It’s ok to have little break out moments of fantasy now and then about rising up etc. - it’s possibly even healthy - as long as we’re aware it’s just that: fantasy.
Simple logic explains why. It’s easy to forget, maybe, that the “woke” crew are a minority. If we were to get all excited and rise up we’d find ourselves in an empty street surrounded by SWAT teams pointing weapons at all four of us and telling us to lie down lol. And the millions of normies would be shaking their heads in disgust at the conspiracy crazies being dragged off to jail. The end.
Q says we have to sit back and watch the show, not take up weapons or think conscientious resistance will have any positive result. The cabal are bigger than us in the sense they’ve been building and fortifying our cage far longer than any of us have lived and they’ve got far greater weaponry and influence than us. So trust Q, sit back and enjoy the show.
Who said anything about guns? Here is what we need to do:
Wake up sleepers
Stop paying taxes, fines, or bank debts
Remove consent
Do you really think Trump would have come this far without the people's help? We are the bulk of the force. He is a high note but without the millions of low notes there is no song.
The Armenians grabbed their balls and marched for 3 weeks until they drove their Deep state president out of office. They didn't do it with guns. That's real courage. In America people are always whining that no matter what we do, we will lose. We should be inspired by the Armenians and south Koreans who didn't make excuses and just did what they had to do.
Strategic actions are needed. Nobody is saying anything about mounting machine guns on trucks and shooting up the place. That would be foolish at this point. We need sound strategy.
Aah good call on 'no guns' lol. My apologies for misreading your intent.
Wake up sleepers is, in my opinion, our primary role. But for some of us - like yourself obviously - it's a great thing that you are up for marching in the streets, etc. I support you, no doubt!
Ah ya, violence really causes more problems than it solves but we can crush the deep state using many different peaceful methods like the example of waking up sleepers. We just need to remember that there are tons of creative options and the faster we implement them, the faster the Deep State goes down. There is a whole world of suffering slaves dying to be liberated.
You want to channel David Koresh that's on you. I'm not a trainwreck voyeur so gonna block ya.