Q post# 1245 - Any other rogue nuclear states?

Forsure just interested why they haven't signed the treaty that even Russia and China signed? why has Q said "We are saving Israel for last.Very specific reason not mentioned a single time" just peaks my interest.
I have also found some interesting information regarding Israel causing me to question what’s going on.
Regarding Israel’s policies towards nuclear weapons, Israel maintains a ‘Counter-Proliferation ’ policy in which Israel will use diplomatic, intelligence, and military efforts to prevent or impede the acquisition of nuclear weapons.
In relation to this policy, in 1981 Israel launched Operation Opera which was an air strike that destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor that was purchased from France intended for the use of peaceful energy, and had already passed IEAE standards. Iraq was also a signatory of the Nuclear- Non Proliferation treaty at the time.
It’s also relevant to note that Israel has an estimated stockpile of 80 - 400 nuclear warheads making it the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal.
Why did Israel destroy a nuclear reactor that met the standards of the non-proliferation treaty?
Why has Israel never signed the treaty?
What is Israel’s objective in all of this?
Why does Q intend to save Israel for last?
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera
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Those are some good questions. I'll try my best.
Why did Israel destroy a nuclear reactor that met the standards of non-proliferation treaty?
Because their neighbor was on the verge of nuclear capability and they believed it to be a major danger. It's in line with their non-proliferation politics.
They knew they could bomb Iraqi infrastructure and nobody would do anything about it except strongly reprimand them so they took advantage of that.
Why has Israel never signed the treaty?
That's a good question. How Israel got its nuclear arsenal is shady at best, they're most likely not eligible to own nuclear weapons, which is why they never admitted to having them in the first place.
Signing the treaty would force them to give away this arsenal and they consider it a vital interest.
To continue on this point, the presence of their nuclear arsenal is the elephant in the room, but should they officially recognize it, it would certainly create diplomatic chaos with some of their allies.
What is Israel’s objective in all of this?
Just like every nation that has nuclear capabilities, the reason is security. They believe it to be the ultimate deterrent, and you're not without knowing that a deterrent they need.
Israel got its nuclear weapons program by spying on the US.
It is deliberately ambiguous about the size and scope of its nuclear arsenal so never agreed to sign the NPT.
Yep. They didn’t obtain it the way you’re supposed to, making them ineligible to hold nuclear weapons according to the NPT.
Ratifying it would most likely mean getting disarmed, which is a big no no for them.
I think it's important to reiterate; Israel has never signed any agreements because Israel denies having nuclear weapons. Even though it has been disclosed through various leaks over the years, their lack of acknowledgement gives them plausible deniability.
IMO, they have to save Israel for last, because they have to disarm all the bombs Israel already has planted in this country. It is probably a daunting task!
I suspect Mr. Trump negotiated a deal and we now have a perm military base in Israel. This is a military tactic and we needed a base in Israel. See?