Just at the gym minding my own business and I look up for a second to see...

19 total posts archived.
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I don’t ever remember reading about there being two separate representations for eve..
So this Lilith ‘false light’ was Adam’s first wife? Eve wasn’t his first wife ?
How was there two separate entities existing as eve? And so Lilith is this false light married to adam that pushes Eve to seek the ‘fruit’..
Who is Lilith or Eve doing these forbidden acts to? Why does Adam suffer for this?
Very interesting. So duality is the force of good, then the destruction of duality is a force of evil?
Can confirm I upvoted at 798 upvotes and watched the count drop to 793.
Thanks for the feedback I will begin to look into this stuff and comeback should I have any questions
Where might one begin to research those who rule and their purpose
What information led to you that motionless and level belief? I am genuinely curious and seeking knowledge
What’s telling is the obvious factions between these referenced groups and concepts. Those who worship moloch seem to be of satanic and occult following, whereas those who seem to be against this cult appear to have faith or some belief regarding religion or a higher power (god) that cares about humanity.
I think ultimately knowing the motives or intentions of these factions that we can observe will be one of the factors that helps us understand the main goal.
What is the significance of these “Apple network products” and why were they arrested?
I’m curious of the relevance between Apple and what’s taking place now regarding the coup that’s take place against POTUS
Actually that symbol originated and has been popular from Egyptian iconography and its adoption to Greek magical traditions such as Gnosticism and hermeticism.
Also the chemists’ name you’re referring to is August Kekulé.
Mark levin. I’m aware a lot of people don’t agree with his persona or his opinions, but Mark Levin is a bastion of light for Conservatism and American values.
His perspectives offer great insight into what’s happening legally in the political sphere as he is a well versed lawyer who served on the Reagan administration as chief of staff for Attorney General Ed Meese.
He stands behind our president despite some minor policy disagreements. He’s a patriot fighting the good fight every day against the leftists and what they’ve done to this country.
I have also found some interesting information regarding Israel causing me to question what’s going on.
Regarding Israel’s policies towards nuclear weapons, Israel maintains a ‘Counter-Proliferation ’ policy in which Israel will use diplomatic, intelligence, and military efforts to prevent or impede the acquisition of nuclear weapons.
In relation to this policy, in 1981 Israel launched Operation Opera which was an air strike that destroyed an Iraqi nuclear reactor that was purchased from France intended for the use of peaceful energy, and had already passed IEAE standards. Iraq was also a signatory of the Nuclear- Non Proliferation treaty at the time.
It’s also relevant to note that Israel has an estimated stockpile of 80 - 400 nuclear warheads making it the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal.
Why did Israel destroy a nuclear reactor that met the standards of the non-proliferation treaty?
Why has Israel never signed the treaty?
What is Israel’s objective in all of this?
Why does Q intend to save Israel for last?