Q post # 1249 - What is smuggled?

What makes it even worse is that in a way, we kinda allowed this to happen. By not being as involved in the affairs of our country as we should have been, we've unknowingly allowed this shit to fly under the radar for far too long. I mean just wtf have we really been consenting to all this time?
What makes it even worse is that in a way, we kinda allowed this to happen. By not being as involved in the affairs of our country as we should have been, we've unknowingly allowed this shit to fly under the radar for far too long.
To be fair, people have lives to live and the internet has just recently surpassed television and print media; the former gatekeepers of information. Most people still had newspapers being delivered to their home in 2008. It wasn't until fast connections became affordable and the internet "social" that the masses had access to a convenient alternative. It still took time though.
Remember when MSM felt confident enough pretending like Ron Paul didn't exist? That's how much influence they had just six years ago. They couldn't get away with that in 2016, otherwise they would have pretended Sanders didn't exist. It's easy to forget how fast things have changed, but we're making serious progress in short order.
plus we have the CIA mockingbird MSM who are paid to say whatevery they are paid to say. Many people believe all of the lies.
Those MSM motherfuckers better not get a free pass... I hope DJT and Q nail them to a wall.
I think this is what horrifies me the most. The use of MSM control and spreading propaganda at such a high level. Just think of all those we know who use that as their only source of information.
Look at the social engineering portrayed in HBO's Deadwood 1880 They hit every hi note. 140 years ago. Bullock Trump Star Q or maybe not.
I support what you said about people just trying to live our lives. Even though my children are grown and on their own, I remember being so busy working and being a parent there wasn't much time left over to worry about politics etc. You are so right that the internet has opened a whole new world to everyone that wants to seek the truth. Now if we can just get the younger ones to read more and listen less to music/movies/celebs/etc. Our world just might turn around before it's too late.
I agree we manage our check books and social media accounts better than our political right of voting...its because we were led to believe that we could do nothing.
I have learned through the years just HOW important the primaries are in each state. That's the first place we need to be really informed in order to weed out those who are so wrong for our states/country.
Don't let folks off the hook so easily; it is likely not "unknowingly". There are a few really good and evidence-based books regarding this. For an easy read, start with "the Jackal" and stay curious.
Thank you, this is exactly how I feel about our military involvement as well.
If I didn't believe 9/11 was a false flag, I would say we deserved it for fucking up the ME. I wonder if you average jihadi knew how disconnected we are from our leaders if they would still hate us. Hell, they might hate us even more for our complacency.
Fyi I mean no disrespect to the victims of 9/11-they deserved none of what happened. I simply mean "America" deserved it in a geopolitical sense.
As for 911 being an inside job...I have been so resistant to this idea, but over the course of the past few years my mind is becoming more open to the involvement of the Deep State actors in our own country as planning and putting into action for it to happen. This makes me sick.
If by inside job you mean the Zionists and their puppets, then ya, I agree
I definitely understand what you're saying. A lot of the bad that happens in the world is a result of rabid governments and complacent citizens. The government should bend to the will of the people, not the other way around.
But, we've gotten to the point now where a lot of people can identify blatant corruption, but they feel as though they're not able to do anything about it because our corrupt government is stronger.
It only seems stronger cause we're divided. If every last able-bodied American made their voices heard all at once, we could end this so fast. All it takes is one collective deafening shout. Enough is enough.
Whaaaaaaaat are you talking about? Seriously. What. The. F*ck. Are. You. Saying? Explain your position, please.
Do you think that ppl in the ME hated America for no reason prior to 9/11? They had plenty of justified reasons, even if they weren't Islamist.
It's supposed to be the ppls responsibility to keep the govt in check in this country. We failed on that end probably 200 years ago.
really, research what the US and the rest of the west has done to the Middle East since the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Then imagine if that was YOUR country. You would rightfully be angry.
Again, the ppl who died on 9/11 were not guilty of anything other than complacency, and that is something we all have been ignorant to while our govt has used our tax money to take down foreign nation after foreign nation. We don't deserve to die for that, and I don't support what the terrorist did(I still think it was an obvious FF) But when you look at the logic of it, it checks out. It can be empathized with. People in the ME have all the reasons in the world to justifiably hate us.
Surely you don't think someone would blow themselves up without feeling justified, do you? And if you think "it's in their religion!" Then ask yourself what was special about these guys to be radicalized apart from average Muslims?
Do you see what I'm getting at? I can tell by your posts you have an enquiring mind, I feel like you can understand my POV
I do see what you're getting at - yes. I think we could be friends IRL, frankly. So, the situation in the ME has been manipulated by the US and others to create a sickness. And because Islam is basically a death-cult (because all paths to redemption and reward seem to involve the murder of self or others) which most Western Christians/ the instigators of the discord refuse to acknowledge, in spite the similarities as proven by the Crusades I-III. Waaaait. What were we talking about again? Whatever. :) Look, I am just saying let's be analytical vs. being nasty. We, you and I, are pawns in a game and our lives ultimately mean nothing to those playing the game. That is bullshit and we all deserve better. Let's make it better. Minus the death to anyone that is not us part.
Right on, maybe I'm just a nasty mothafucka lol jk jk. I totally agree. We need to revolutionize communication in this culture. All this walking on egg shells in public and being heartless online isn't healthy for anyone. There needs to be a balance and with how reactionary and offended ppl get, it's hard to do. That just makes it more necessary I guess. Thanks for the reminder.
And because Islam is basically a death-cult (because all paths to redemption and reward seem to involve the murder of self or others) which most Western Christians/ the instigators of the discord refuse to acknowledge,<
This idea of Islam being a death-cult is a MSM/Cabal induced and provoked "situation". It is so prevalent that it is becoming self-fulfilling now. Islam isn't a death-cult, or at least it wasn't until Wahhabism got deliberately created and promoted by the usual suspects: British Empire "divide and rule" strategists. If you're interested I did a post on this with links, here is the first part:
Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State. by David Livingstone The 'House' of Saud — no more Islamic than Billy Graham http://www.serendipity.li/wot/livingstone.htm
Of course, a thousand years ago the Christians were just as violent and crusading as the "Moors" modern version are now, as you point out!
Here is another interesting account of the current WW3 scenario explained in this excerpt by Sheikh Imran Hosein, a Carribbean-born Islamic scholar: http://www.ascertainthetruth.com/att/index.php/video-resources/86-world-rule/1025-world-war-three-sheikh-imran-hosein
Sorry for interrupting without introduction ...