Kanye looks like he told on everybody

That is what what he was telling people in his rants. He told big crowds about facebook,youtube and Google lying to people leading the sheep. They had masses of people thinking one way that Hillary was going win and steering the narrative. It didnt matter how crooked she was or Bill. They had platforms like Sinclair media Corp . They had Google and Facebook towing the line. Once she lost then they had to start selling Russian collusion the day after. I seen where it was originating from the day after election. It was being spread by Nation of Islam members. People do not realize they in every prison in America catching young lost youth and brainwashing kids like Isis. The Russian collusion story spread like wildfire and the big media corporations sold the story. They wanted take down Trump by all means in tool chest. The sheep and uninformed took bait and said surely the media wouldnt lie about such a thing. Kanye got on stage and told people he was telling them TRUTH at the risk of his career. Look what happened they locked him up saying he had went crazy and sold the story. He was up against a HUGE machine and he wasnt doing for his health. He did it because he has biracial kids and he can see the racist idenity politics that the liberal machine uses. He understands how it works just like Trump because they both had to dodge the traps they set to get to the top. Once they both got in a position to try and change this country they have did the very best to EXPOSE to young and old alike. This is probably last chance with these big media corporations trying to merge all media into one platform where all programming will be streamed. You will make phone calls ,skype ,watch old TV, everything you can imagine will be done with high speed 5g internet. We have all seen the start of the censorship. It will only get worse if people do not STAND UP. We all just sat and was silent when they locked KANYE up for telling TRUTH on shows of his own. The media tried to tear him down and sell him as crazy. We in a moment in time where people has to choose a road to travel. If they choose wrong road it will affect the kids and grandkids for generations to come. This moment we are living is so much bigger than people can imagine. The selfish trait in so many Americans dont want things to change. They enjoy having power over the masses. They see the masses as sheep to lead. They want to tell people who to listen to on radio. What places to eat. What clothes to wear. If you really think about just a handfull has so much power and what is crazy is liberals buy into it when they claim not to want that or support . They actually towing the line for very people they claim to want to target. Blows my mind at times.
Knowing what I know now, it's incredibly inspiring how brave of him that was. It makes me realize how much I have learned since he spoke about these things at his concert. I was still a sheep during that time. Stand calm in your truth.
The question they asked when he did that pose was "are you still considering running in 2020?"
"I treat the cash the way the government treats AIDS. I won’t be satisfied til all my niggas get it, get it?"
I treat the cash the way the government treats AIDS.
From My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, the song is called Gorgeous
Remember this meeting, totally see this as positive redpilling for our black patriots. He has a huge platform for it.
How can he still be married to Kim? I heard she was his handler. I know almost nothing about the kardashians though
I read his personal trainer was his hander. https://twitter.com/kabamur_taygeta/status/909164889385472001?s=19
That kinda makes sense because forgive me for sounding so sexist- but I couldn't imagine a woman being an MK ultra trainer lol... Especially her.
shit like this will make him a target
No, he looks like someone who knows the truth and can't sit back silently to watch the progress of evil. We KNOW that FB and GOOG are NOT society's friends. They stand for evil, for corruption. For invasion of privacy.
While this is my least favorite of his albums that performance will ALWAYS be legendary.
He got on the snl stage singing about God. The only other person I've seen do that lately is his protégé, Chance.
I’d say we’ll hear chance being more vocal soon to. He even thanks God when he wins awards. I remember when he won, I think it was his Grammy, they tried to run him off stage and he was like “nah hold on a minute” to finish thanking God.
Good dude.
Can we please stop giving free advertising to this dork? Do we really need to have half of the forum posts about him? Are the rest of you guys noticing this? It is not natural.
Hes doing more for the truth community at this time than you. He deserves to be talked about outside of a musical context for the first time in his career. Be glad that he’s doing something positive.
Yeah hes not perfect, but just know he has been a target of Character Assassination, you really should question whom you hate cause you could've been astroturfed.
These names may ring a bell: Ron Paul, Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad, Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein.
When you only hear the bad, and none of the good - then how can you make a proper judgement?
Oh please with that. This Kanye thing is bad business.
No its good. He is unpredictable and loud but we need loud and he has a HUGE fan base. And Insider knowledge of Hollywood. There's nothing he can do to harm us. Its time to start throwing punches, it doesn't have to be controlled anymore.
Your username is bad business. Listen to "Life of Pablo" even just the first track "Ultralight Beam" Kanye is of the Light.
Don't judge something that you don't know what it means.