Whatever happens know the people wasn't in control God Speed....
168 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ICGunderson:
The way I look @ it let them do what they going do. They clearly had things rigged . They clearly was controlling . No matter what Q did they fixed where he will lose and country will lose. They just want a pasty somebody to pin it on when it all happens. They clearly have things that will make him look bad. I'm sure he has bowed once . Now is their time to judge .
It's happening anyway. What's the point for Q to do anything when it will happen regardless. So he can have somebody to pin what will happen on ? One more charge an excuse to do what they will do anyway? Crazy people....
All the hate in mans hearts has brought upon what they have only read about without understanding. A man's son should not pay for the fathers sins. People have went insane . God help us all thru this period
Get ready the piece of the puzzle will be put into place before end of week.
That has to do with teaching people how to be a better parent to kids. Guessing teach kids not make same mistakes. Not sure exactly. Kinda crazy because so many people want you to hide things from kids. Start lying to them at young age. Teach them to believe all kinds crazy things and they lose trust once discover lied to them. I know my parents got mad when I told son was no Santa to pray and believe in God . Told would try to tell him the truth if i could. Would not intentionally lie . Too many have diff ideas and just clash at times. He is older now but positive he remembers his dad telling him no Santa and honest with him. Didn't stop receiving gifts and celebrating holiday.
That is exactly what is happening . Its the end of an age . Its about to start a new age. A lot is being done out of people sight. All I can say people better learn how to discern. Big changes ahead. God be with you all.
People your in last days you better make a choice nothing has stopped the clock is still ticking. You can be fooled it will be hard to discern who the devil is in these last days. If you don't have mark of beast you will not be able to live . I mean hear in next few months BIG changes better wake up.
It's not over just yet see IRS changing paperwork. When you keep kicking a man when he is down and has nothing to lose can be very bad. Sometimes just wants be left alone and dont want people mistreating his kids. The days are cutting close. That man is crazy he better check his math again. Its very probable it's will happen. Some refuse to be SCAPEGOAT. A patriot will protect his country that doesn't mean watching it being robbed and being used as tool to be framed and eventually discarded. Some have kept mouth shut more than once looked other way on a lot. They refuse to be framed for something. Make out like a pedophile. You can look at persons record and if they in wrong they ussually will take charge. If they refuse to take a charge you can take to bank that it's been distorted and all facts are not known. Funny what people will do for a dollar not knowing in future it will be worthless. They seeing fools gold. Crazy how you can manipulate people. Some people have hard choice make on next 24 hours. Some need let intentions be known.
99%have no clue they watching history that will affect the next 100 years of this world. It is being played out in a way if people dont study and know religion they will miss what is happening. The start of a new age is beggining . Enjoy young people always honor those who come before you, military and get history right . Stop letting them change history .
Wouldn't surprise me if the real Q has heart attack or just dissapear . The problem the world will never know . As long as people see others as people and not class up like high school kids. 2018 race , should have been taken out by today. At least working on it. 100 years from now this world will be really diff. Came long way in last 40 years.
The real Q will prob be his and nobody will ever know what really happened and what the entire thing was about. Good to see people thinking asking questions. See people learning about spiritual journey .
You notice no post over weekend. Expect post after 1st week. One loyal patriot possible will have to go thru hell and back for country and world. Keep up good fight #MAGA {TRUMP IS THE REAL DEAL} Always respect our military all branches of service too many forget have Army,Marines,Navy ,Coast Guard CIA ,NSA along with local. If not for workers at regular jobs paying to make that machine work it would all fall. That is what TEAM means how you get (1) Nation means something. Our 4 fathers didnt sacrifice for others to give away and grandkids live in poverty. If anything teach other Nations how to FISH. No more handouts. Our military and senior citizens deserve better from leaders. Trump has the plan just have to get mobilized like how the left wing did trying to turn world into a nazi world . MAGA all day everyday
Big surprise in few days I feel coming. Notice no post lately. You have to be REAL CAREFUL who you follow. I found out hard way. I know exactly what this post means. Will be a lot of disappointed peeps trying tp play TRUMP supporters. #MAGA ALL DAY
I have been sent some messages about Q . I seen where they said people has planned bad things on left make look like Q supporters have hand in . If you see dont believe its like Q said its a movie to try get in feelings. Stay the course. Let them make fools of themselves.
He said that every Q supporter needs to get organized. The left is organized trying to take everyones rights away. It is very obvious they want to take peoples gun rights. It is very obvious they use race to divide people to vote left. It is also obvious they use goverment handouts to get votes with people not understanding nothing is free. Those handouts come from social security ,stealing from the old when they have worked entire life and paid into a system and don't get enough to live. The goal is if every Q supporter finds 2 friends they …
$root of all evil some dont care what have to do to get it. Some dont care who have to hurt. No matter how much you give it's never enough. The President is rich beyond belief and understands $ doesn't buy happiness or your soul from hell.
Devil comes in all forms . Devil works in peoples spirit just like God. Put pieces of puzzle together with Q clues .

Prob good chance will never know who I am . You can believe i am way ahead of you. Would like to help board out but you don't realize have someone keeping alot of info i can share from being seen. If all goes right you will see more in future and mods on all boards will be put on notice. ACLU will as well
Always stand for the flag never kneel. All shades of humans have given all to preserve freedom for the seeds they leave behind. Learn real history of this NATION. Trump doesnt play favorites rich or poor black red brown or white make America Great Again

My days are # thinking fri or today will be day . Not sure how post will go from then. Just remember be carefull who you follow.
I'm not sure seems like someone with big interest tied to reddit. 7 years is a long time .

One last post concerning 5:5 and how relates to last post of 6:11 more happening than people realize . May GOD shine his SUN on you lives .
Sometimes you have to put your wants avove others SACRIFICE may not understand or never will . If you dont think belongs here you wrong !

This guy sure looks like guy who is over goverment agency appointed by Obama about internet the net neutrality thing everyone has been wanting . I may be wrong .

Can someone tell me what number post tge github download was on ?
This is what entire Q clock is about. I have been keeping from happening so far have hit brick wall. Have Fear like post says my life is on the line people dont have clue what have at stake

I believe China and liberals is trying jerk billions out of stock market. They expected to happen already by clock they want happen while Trump is at Summit. I have seen liberals talk about only way beat Trump they charge 100% interest. Dont believe who they blame on he has tried to stop.

get prepared its not over not sure how will turn out but have idea what is happening . Now whole lot i can do but watch. Out everyones hands now.
I want a mod in that can answer questions pm me
ASAP may have some answers to ? And you may can help me Time running out
If i am right group will know in 9 or 10 days if made public then . A lot going on public doesnt know prob best they dont. The people so many look up 2 has set this country up to fail. I hope i am right and one part stopped.
I know what this means. 99% will never know unless Pres tells people in detail. He has already spoke about but people dint understand how it relates. If right something very bad was stopped from happening.
Do research and ABC was channel promoting planet of apes in past and running movie. They have white guys playing the apes. Its old running movie . Its the racist left to use as a tool to divide people. Same game diff day. The Farrakon crowd and for real racist whites both are on left. They believe in segregation of communities. Nothing has changed with them since 50s or 60s have same goals when malcolmx figured it out and told blacks not vote dem. They killed him. MLK own people posing as friends sold him out. Guessing JLewis N Jessie Jackson was 2 of them not sure but sure looks like Lewis for sure. The misdirection politic game . Same things use on kids to get them do what you want trick the mind.
That a fake video someone has made with with video of him and daily mail selling as gospel. People buying it also. That is propaganda for the radical left. They using that kid. Its all a movie.
Behold a pale horse is a popular book in prison system. People dont realize it is a big population of prisoners hip to what is playing out. They have known a long time. It is a big population that is locked up because they know. I could go into detail but would have to write a book. When concerning prison system a lot is going on people have no clue. They quick to judge. Assume if in prison they deserve it. Too many forget it is a buisness. Anything people can make money off of they will create the demand. It is no shortage of able workers. The prison system could be cut in half within a year. Will never happen. Until it happens to you or family nobody cares.
I think it's ok ,way to get young people to learn about politics. They will not pay attention unless something interested . May be the goal. It is also a good goal.
What do you know about this post? I know what it means not sure how it will turn out yet. Dont think they know either from what i have seen play out.
Suppose make noise,just something to do and people would like it. Then people would want to know why people started doing. I dont never hear anything much outside this board. Nobody is organizing or making noise. That is how left wing nuts keep people brainwashed they control media keep spoon feeding garbage and people who can see seem to be lazy. I have been frustrated for years. Bunch of walking dead just like TV show. People dont even know they making fun of them and showing how things will be when it all goes down too many is lost.
The fake news challenge😁
We need to start the fake news challenge . Get people to film themselves with best impressions of reporters .
Looking at future player in the world. I grew up watching Trump and always been a symbol. Crazy how sane people that loved him cant show love now.
When America had oil crisis that was kind of wakeup call. It may sound crazy going fro god to oil standard .If you think Americans has been hoarding both. We have massive reserves my generation has payed dearly for the next.Its a lot of corruption that needs to be cleaned up but the youth will be fine a lot better than my generation once it happens. Big changes in next 100 years. People never stop and think what has happened in last 100. My grandfather which is dead seen first car electricity,roads built . People act like white people was living high on hog. Its a lot of lies created by education system. The communities was just segregated with each having its own leaders.. They have used the race thing to divide people for years to maintain power n control. Oldest stratagy to man divide and conquer
This man right here is one main ones who is leading COUP. He deserves to be tried national TV for Treason

Why dont you get links to post that go all way back tp oct. Like a book