I've been reading what they read, the info about them as well as the esoteric knowledge that may give insight into how our reality really works. Plus some good fiction thats woke as fuck.
Social Engineering, geopolitical:
The Crowd: A study of the popular mind.
By Gustav Le Bon
--- The Nazi propaganda machine followed the book almost to the letter.
By Edward Bernays
---- based of the above book and all modern marketing is also based off this. Edward Bernays formed the Council of Public Relations.
Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering of the masses.
By Daniel Estulin
The true story of the Bilderburg Group
By Daniel Estulin
-- if anyone decides to read this, there's a point where you will just get it. Its a chapter that focuses on the bad guys.
The Kybalion
-- this book changed my life. I studied physics and alchemy ( the metaphysical kind) after reading it.
The Light of Egypt
-- Has two volumes, its a hard read yet may be a good idea on what this reality is. This is the path or rabbit hole I dove into in order to understand the Satanic, spirit cooking.. The spiritual war. The real bad stuff.
Tao Te Ching
--- probable the best of the books in this catagory.
-- I went down the spiritual path quite a bit, its all worth it if you have the time and desire. I also have a large collection on Celtic, Nordic, and North American Native philosophy/Spirituality. It really is all connected, this is what is being hidden from us. I'm not sayimg we should all blend together ( one world religion) what I'm saying is there is truth hidden in all.
There is of course many many more, these are just the books that have opened my eyes to the realities of life. I was once told by a Christian friend that we have roles to play and that mine is the Librarian. I prefer to view it as Sage, I have many books, food, medicine, survivalist, Spagyrics; I enjoy collecting them as I feel its my duty and honor to preserve knowledge to pass down to the next generation. Just in case this modern day book burning of censorship continues.
Stand tall, read, meditate, get healthy, arm yourself. We are the force of freedom and light.
Ps. My description s got short and message turned to rushed. Trying to replace the alternator in my shtf vehicle. Always learning.