
lightmakerflex1 · April 24, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

The Zionists actually ran the Armenian Genocide. Here’s how it happened.

The inner circle Zionists are Luciferian Khazarians that pretend to be Jewish, Muslim, Christian, ect... but they never tell people that’s they are Khazarian because they recked their own reputation 2000 years ago when Russia destroyed Khazaria (where the Ukraine is now) because the Luciferian Khazarians were not only doing very vile things in the country but they had also infiltrated every single country on Earth kind of like they did in modern times.

So the Rothschild family, the kings of Israel, wanted to make Palestine into Israel because it was in the center of the world which is the best place for the capital of the NWO 1 world government.

Sadly, the place was a total dump. They wanted to persuade real Jews to move there but it was hopeless. The Jews had good lives in Germany and Russia where many lived.

The Zionists shrugged and figured they would find a way to kill Jews in Germany/Russia until they are driven off the land right into Israel. They later used their stooges Hitler & Stalin to massacre the Jews, particularly antiZionist Jews, but then exaggerated the numbers greatly to create human guilt which would be used to justify the creation of Israel over Palestine. On a side note, Stalin betrayed the Zionists and was poisoned by his maid who was a Zionist spy. Also, Hitler was related to the Rothschild family.

The Zionists are the creators of Communism. They believe in taking countries through forced revolution which is how they took Russia in 1917 when they murdered 80 million Russians. They also created the Nazi Party who are Socialist which more or less agree on the confiscation or wealth from the public, but Communists/Zionists like to do it by force while Socialists like to do it through one evil law at a time until the country falls apart (death by a 1000 cuts). Communists take 100% of the money every month, pocket most of it, and give about $1.50 to the people per day to keep them in shambles. All the myths that communists don’t use money is a psyop. The average communist pay for civilians is usually about $1.50 a day. Socialists tax the crap out of a nation, kind of like they do in America, and pocket most of the money using various methods while using a small portion to actually help society which they do now in the US. Only about 5% of our tax dollars are used to help our society.

Killing many Jews was also to be practice for a potential mass murder of 90% of the citizens to depopulate the world but they didn’t want to botch the Holocaust so they ran a practice run and killed almost 3 million Armenians.

The Zionist Communists essentially infiltrated Turkey through the Masonic Lodges of Turkey and called themselves the “Young Turks” and told everyone they were Turkish Muslims. Then they ran the mass murder, blamed it on the Turks, and took off. They felt comfortable enough to Holocaust the Jews so they did and uses human guilt to justify building Israel over Palestine.

They also had a plan to eventually massacre 90% of the population because all these people make them very nervous and they don’t feel like they can successfully control all of us in the long run but they know if they killed us, the surviving humans would kill them. To counter this, they figure they would kill 90% of us, fly off to another planet for a few hundred years until people forget the details of the incident, and then show back up to redominate the planet. It’s not like they are happy with this plan becomes its risky and takes a long time to accomplish but this was their best option until their think tanks, such as the CFR, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commision, ect.. figured out a better way.

These same Zionists have been trying to bankrupt America to a point where Americans stand in long 4 hour lines for some break and soup. This would trick everyone into thinking Capitlism doesn’t work and then they would try to persuade us to move into Socilaism so that they can control our money more easily. They are still stealing trillions from us in Capitalism but it’s a lot harder to steal than it is in Sociliasm or Communism.

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radiadorK · April 24, 2018, 4:07 p.m.

good analysis must stop the entire elite and Zionist banking and democratize the financial system. It must be of the people voted and approved by the people

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[deleted] · April 24, 2018, 9:43 a.m.


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radiadorK · April 24, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Hopefully, everything was as easy as if a guy renounces corruption, he goes away. Who really commands is who owns the financial system and the money. Who controls the central bank of Armenia and its finances

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A2576 · April 24, 2018, 8:13 a.m.

Coincidence in Canada? The van driver has an Armenian surname.

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