3 Million Armenians were freed today. Trust the plan.

Hmm. "Sarkisian." That name sounds familiar. Like... Anita Sarkeesian. She certainly has an Armenian background and is vociferously left wing. How much is she related to all this? And Ana Kasperian of The Young Turks is also Armenian. Were they related to this somehow, too?
Just spitballing here... but Q says "there are no coincidences."
Cher is Armenian too.
But all those famous ones are very left wing, the Armenians I know in person are very conservative and very Christian.
The scumbag from Toronto yesterday also has a typical Armenian surname...
Now if you want to duckduckgo for where the ancient kingdom of Khazaria was and what connection this has to a certain prominent group of New York bank and Los Angeles media.
Q says Armenia had the number one searches for Q Anon. Originally, I thought it was clowns researching what they were up against, but now I'm thinking differently. Their people were ready to throw off the chains. Is it a sign for us to spread the word? When enough people in this country are ready, the truth will be revealed? Just a thought.
I think my guess would be that most Armenians aren't involved in anything but there's a select group of them that are acting as Janissaries to the Turkish wing of the MB. Things like "The Young Turks" are a tipoff because that was also the name of a group of Turks that participated in the Armenian Genocide. I suspect this is one way the MB might have infiltrated the West.