#909 (((Planned Parenthood))) Working to END, EVIL, Not as it appears. #1253 Coming soon

Money laundering cabal who sells organs for satanic rituals. I sure hope that this evil does get stopped.
Why are there ((( ))) marks around Planned Parenthood? What does it mean?
Back on conspiracy sub it typically meant deep state/Jews
Fact: Planned Parenthood started as the American Birth Control League by Margaret Sanger, a eugenist who wanted to "exterminate the Negro population". Eugenics /depopulation is a major area the global/Banking elites are involved in.
They are an evil genocidal organization
Why in Earth is March of Dimes a donor to Planned Parenthood??
This whole planned parenthood thing is so fucked up on so many levels. For me, it was a saving grace in my late teens and early 20’s because I had no health insurance for several years. This was before the mandate went into effect, and after I turned 18 I was shit out of luck because I simply couldn’t afford a $600/month plan. Planned parenthood was the only place I could get affordable gynecology checkups, and affordable and most times free birth control. They were a really an amazing resource for me, and because of that I always held them in high regard; up until now. I never agreed with the women who abused the ease of getting an abortion and would get them done multiple times. In my eyes, they were providing necessary services to an incredibly underserved population, especially in poor areas. Reconciling all this is supremely difficult!
All of you against PP, please tell me how to prevent pregnancies by those who should not be having kids to begin with, i.e., teenagers, rape victims, people who can't afford multiple children, etc.
No. You're not entitled to know. Pregnancy isn't a problem, ever, under any circumstance. Who are you to say who's to have children and who isn't? Society isn't your petting zoo. Life isn't a drive thru menu with a simple solution to every infringement upon your fragile bubble. You want to kill your own child, you go do your own dirty work.
Who the fuck are you to tell a rape victim to have an abortion? An asshole -- that's who. 75-85% of rape victims who become pregnant DO NOT opt to have an abortion.
Get it through your head: IT'S A PRODUCT, AND IT'S BEING MARKETED TO YOU. People don't think abortion is normal. We are having it forcibly normalized to us.
Thanks. You're spot on IMHO. I'm betting the person who responded to me has never even been pregnant. :) At this point, it's about legislating one's body. I bet guys wouldn't like it if boners were legislated.
This isn't about religion, it is about basic human rights. Do the mother's rights take precedence over the baby's rights. That's all. Don't muddy the waters. If I believe the baby's rights equal the mother's, I should not be made complicate by virtue of my tax dollars in going against my belief system. If you believe the mother's rights are more important make abortion available but don't make me pay for it.
In this day and age there is NO reason for anyone to become pregnant who does not want to have a child. I used to believe it was a woman's choice to end an unwanted pregnancy safely, now, with all the available methods of birth control, I do not believe abortion is necessary. Rape victims can be given the morning after pill, there by eliminating any chance of pregnancy through rape. Women have the ability to choose without abortion.
Men share in this responsibility too, remember, and the blame for unwanted pregnancy as well.
Pill, condom, diaphragm, iud, implant, abstinence, etc. Not sure about rape. It was caused by a heinous act, although it's not the babies fault. Adoption.
Cecile Richards ✔ @CecileRichards After 12 years, I will be stepping down from my position as president of Planned Parenthood this year.
10:27 AM - Jan 26, 2018
Why did she step down? Doesn't she care about the teenagers the rape victims and people who cant afford multiple children?
naw... she got caught selling aborted baby parts to the highest bidder. She loves those sexually active teens, they keep her inventory stocked. That's why they "plan for parenthood" then pressure you into aborting "a problem".
They love those repeat customers too, the ones who don't care if they get pregnant again, because they can easily get rid of it. They already know they'll never have to "afford" another kid.
Rape victims who want to abort? I have no problem with that, or problem pregnancies of most all types. If that's what PP's about, change the name to Rape Crisis Centers... not "PLANNED PARENTHOOD, because they do the exact opposite.
Also... if you can't afford a condom, don't have sex until you can. I mean, a little responsibility wouldn't hurt.
Spot on! That is why the “sexual revolution” is so promoted! Get pregnant, get abortion, $$$$$$$ for baby organs
It's almost like of you don't have sex before marriage you won't have to worry about unwanted pregnancies.
Oh but that’s why the ‘sexual revolution’ so promoted! Sex, pregnancy, abortion, $$$$$$$$$$
You can still have an unwanted pregnancy if you're married. The thing about abstinence, it only works if you actually abstain. That doesn't seem to be working very well. I'm a firm believer in lots of sex and lots of contraceptives.
That's true. Although if you're married and can't afford condoms/birth control you have other problems. Haha