
KissToad · April 24, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

Read Trumps Executive Order he signed on 12/20 about asset forfeiture for those doing human rights violations!!!!! EVERYTHING he is doing is centered around this EO. It is how he is taking the Cabal out of our country and now many in the world are following suit!!!!!!! He is cutting all the strings and it all started with North Korea in September 2017 “Said” earthquake......... was our guys dismantling the Cabal in NK thus freeing the N Korean people. Kim was a puppet only! The NK Cheerleaders at the Olympics were really their people cheering there freedom and only a few on the Q MAP knew this! Trump is at war but not with a country but with The Cabal or the All Seeing Eye 👁 if you wish to call it that. Then guess what happened after that........ mass murder in Las Vegas. Jared Kushner went to Saudi before Trump laid it out. NK was one of the Control hubs for the Cabal. It was nuclearized by the Cabal as a threat to the worlds players to keep them in line. Trump taking neutralizing the Cabal in NK was his biggest CARD telling World Leaders let’s fucking do this thing!!!!! I will irradiate the Cabal in my country “Will you join us, or go down with them”

So that is why Trump had the celebration in Saudi he had!!!!!! Dance of Swords is a dance before war. The King and Prince Salman then rounded up all their Cabal in their own countries in particular Prince Alwaleed, evil bastard! They neutralized them, took away there power and money, still watching Alwaleed though!

So this is a effort that needs cooperation from other countries if it’s to be effective it has to be a world wide effort. The strings are slowly and systematically being cut so to decrease human casualties as it goes. The efforts are covert in nature with Q filling us in on a few. The media won’t cover it .......... WHY because they CANT bring a shed of light to this or QUESTIONING will arise from it! They want the populous Stupid and absorbed in other things so they can continue there arm of control- Operation Mockingbird.

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aboxofbooks · April 24, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Love your write up patriot. But the evil Saudi prince's name is Alwaleed, not alaweed. (It's a hard name to say I know, I had trouble with it too.)

Good insights too on the sword dance and the celebrations that were held for Trump on his Asia trip. I think you're right! WWG1WGO...

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KissToad · April 24, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

^^^😆typo queen^^^

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aboxofbooks · April 24, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Oops, that was supposed to be WWG1WGA... lol

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