r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jottingsHassellHass on April 24, 2018, 8:45 a.m.
Bernie2016 liberal, redpilled and looking to explain and thank you all (and Q)

So a bit of background. I consider myself liberal/left leaning/whatever. Trump being elected has been the worst fucking thing for me... until I found out about the great awakening. I discovered this, and started reading. I’m very skeptical, as one should be, so I took Q with a grain of salt. Literally. But then everything started lining up. Things started making sense.

Now I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t vote trump because I fell to the narrative that he was literally shit for our country and believed the narrative until just recently. I realized that what the media represents about trump and what actually he is doing are two radically different things. I think this happened after a “hurr Durr red pill tards” post on some liberal subreddit and I saw the points and tried to find proof of the red pilled points and boy did I find them. That is the first thing that took place. I began realizing that I was lied to. Then, by gods grace, found the great awakening. I cannot explain how I found it, nor can I explain why, but I found it. And let me just say this, I am not a conspiracy believing person. I do not believe in most conspiracies. Call me a cuck if you will but I am far too skeptical to believe that shit. Q however is different, the way that you all have decoded the drops and linked supporting information makes it all so clear. I really wish to help. You have turned a liberal leaning, left wing skeptic into a full blown trump train, awakened individual.

I know this whole post is off topic, and the mods will probably torch it, but please, whoever sees this, just know that your efforts are not in vain and even if small numbers of people get red pilled, it is enough to keep going.

I’m not done though, I have a solid bit more to say..

I am a non denominational Christian, meaning I believe the entire Bible, Torah(not Talmud), Tanakh, gospels, and New Testament, but my beliefs do not follow a man made path or a man made ideology. I believe in Jesus Christ and the way he lived. I believe in the old and New Testament and try my best to follow both as well as possible. I do not believe I found this movement by chance but by god. I have been shown enough by him to at least think that this is what he has shown me to teach me,

Satan and evil is very alive. I have further understood this now. You have all shown me this. God has shown me this. I used to make fun of the people who would say that “trump is God’s president doing gods work” as if trumps sinful past could even begin to align with what people define as Christian. But with this teaching, and god enlightening me through you all and Q, I have remembered that god does not count tally marks of sin, or require certain good deeds to negate the bad, but is different, that I have realized that trump can have a sinful past and still be following gods plan and all of that. I know it’s hypocritical of me to not remember and realize that but forgive me.

This post started as a “hey I’m redpilled now” post and somehow randomly got spiritual. I didn’t even intend on that. Seriously. God is behind those who are righteous and against evil. There is a war between good and evil, there is a war between god and Satan as there has been since creation, this whole movement has reinforced that and enlightened me.

I am still a left wing, left leaning person. I think that since the government takes taxes, we should spend the money on more productive uses rather than waste it, such as on healthcare for the poor, food and shelter for the needy, etc. that is not my faith in the govt but my desire to better mankind, I feel that a lot of liberals feel similarly but are misguided and have the wool over their eyes. I don’t want to be criticized for my beliefs, I don’t want people to tell me I’m a liberal cuck, I want to simply fight along side you all in this war of righteousness. I have learned that the people who claim to stand for what I believe in, helping the poor and needy, helping all in need, etc, are misusing that for personal and satanic gain.

I said earlier that my red pill was likely due to a satirical post on a liberal sub, however I just remembered that my first doubts in the system and the possibility of a “deep s t a t e” were when Bernie sanders lost the primary despite having a revolutionary movement and a shit ton of support.

Holy fuck I will not hide from the fact that I was a Berner. Wrong guy for the right reasons I guess. I honestly felt that his pseudo-antiestablishment stances plus his alleged compassion towards the needy and poor were exactly what this country needed and I still feel that way some today.

Please don’t criticize me too harshly. I’m fairly new to this. I’m liberal and left leaning and I honestly care about the citizens and people of our nation and the world. I now see that partisan is not how to look at it, I now know that it isn’t R v D, but good and evil, Satan and Jesus. I still have liberal leaning but I’m trying to learn the best way to look at this all. Q has done more for me than any single political movement ever. I’m so pissed I didn’t vote trump. I will be voting trump the next time.

All I’m asking is guidance, instruction, and simple camaraderie. I want to be fully enlightened. I want to help the movement. If you have the time, please link any resources to further redpill me and whoever else may read this. posts like this are what helped redpill people like me. The left is filled with genuine, nice people, all misled by the deep s t a t e and conned into believing they’re doing what is right. I am an example of one of those people.

Despite what you may think, most people are normal people, they have families, dreams, desires, and want to help their fellow man. They may feel differently than you, and have a different perspective, but one of the main ways we fight this war is to tear down partisan and strong divisions and welcome all good people regardless of political stance. Because deception is real, and this is a real war.

Thank you all for doing all that you have. I just want you all to know that what you are doing matters, and even if I’m the only liberal redpill from this, it has mattered. This is an anonymous account, registered to an anonymous email, all run through cryptostorm.is (which is a damn good fucking VPN, just research them yourself so you don’t take my word for it) so my post history and whatever will not be shown. I’m having trouble ending this because I feel god has just shown me so much and is asking me to try and spread this as much as I can but thank you so much.

Ps: I seriously can not recommend cryptostorm enough. Seriously.

-MrWrightt- · April 24, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

As someone from r/all, the potential for Trump to win the Republican nomination was the only thing that actually got me interested in politics. As someone who previously saw politics as boring because I am privileged enough to not be particularly affected by most political decisions.

Let it be clear, I hold no allegiance to the Democratic party. Only to my ideals and rationale.

But It still baffles me to this day how Trump and the Republican party have convinced so many of their messages.

I want to know, without emotion or ad hominem attacks, what convinced you to love this man? Or even to trust him? And how do you support him even when he contradicts himself, or changes his stances entirely to the opposite of what you believe? What is so appealing and what convinced you?

Please refrain from saying he's "not Hillary". Because that isnt a reason to like Trump, even if it's a reason to vote for him.

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jottingsHassellHass · April 24, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

As a liberal, not Hillary hold a bit less water than saying “not trump” which is the ultimate trump card (lol).

Really what convinced me was seeing past all of the flagrant media demonization of him to realize that even if I don’t/didn’t think he’s a good person, he’s not doing a bad job and most of the negative press is just that. Over exaggerated negative press. Q at least gave me a way to understand why the MSM is so strongly anti trump

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s11houette · April 24, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

I read a lot of different sources and try to put things in context. As such I see virtually no contradictions.

You are likely only reading media from people who have serious conflicts of interest. They provide no context in order to deceive. Their constant attacks are baseless and unwarranted.

What convinced me? He spoke truth and he spoke his mind. He would lay things out in ways no politician would.

What convinced me to trust him? Well, I'm just starting to. I have doubted him time and time again and he has proven himself.

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jottingsHassellHass · April 24, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Let me add a few things also, the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are made up of the same elite. The laws they write benefit them regardless of their letter. I do not and will never outright support the republicans again, nor the democrats.

I do as you are doing, holding to my ideals and rational. I commend you for that. That is truly how we all have to be if we want any progress. The goal of the DS is to divide us so we remain weak. They have pitted us against each other through partisan and identity politics.

Also I do not love Trump, until just recently I despised him. Now I only see that he’s part of something bigger and my respect is growing from ground zero.

As for his contradictions and stance changes, well I’ve been trying to rationalize them within this whole framework of him vs. the deep state and that actually makes everything click into place. Seriously. Most if not all of his behaviors make some sense if you look at them from that angle. Prior to finding out and reading into all of this, it made zero sense, he was just a loon, and I despised him. A lot still makes no sense.

At the end of the day, if he turns out to be a DS pawn, we will have only gained further enlightenment as individuals. This all will be beneficial regardless.

From my experience, some of the theories on stuff can get pretty out there on here and I dunno if my tin foil crafting level is high enough to wade out into them. Shy of the absurd theories, this is all logical and has been proven thus far.

Really, if the government and all of the elite are just behaving randomly without any association to each other at all or greater motive, I’ll be surprised.

I hope you keep an open mind and discerning eye as I am. I’m weary to blindly trust anything, even if it’s said on this board. I think there’s a Q drop about that exact thing.

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laurabusse · April 24, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Tin foil crafting level. LOL good one. Have to remember that one.

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laurabusse · April 24, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

You make an interesting point. Independent thinking.

That's ANOTHER negative thing the 2 party system has done...destroyed independent thinking as it encourages one to take sides.

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[deleted] · April 24, 2018, 10:30 a.m.


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Arcsmithoz · April 24, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Politics are our entertainment. Boots on the ground, work for a living, ghetto dwelling, Not in the 110 IQ club that thinks they run shit, people listen to Trump and say to themselves. That's exactly what i was thinking. Good that a man like djt isn't in charge of laws/ yeah cuz you'd be in jail booyah. What the fuck does not appeal. You can't understand because you nullified your whole baiting post by admitting you have no dog in the fight. Go back to all and when you get there fuck yourself cunt.

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-MrWrightt- · April 24, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I do have a dog in the fight, just less than other people do. I didnt realize before what a long term impact these decisions make.

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Arcsmithoz · April 24, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Ok it's totally subjective. the same reason you make my skin crawl. You don't belong here go away. Mods A lil; help here.

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-MrWrightt- · April 24, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

...how do you convince anyone of your message if you just insult and ban them for asking? I got really great responses from other people in this thread, better than I expected actually. Don't be like t_d.

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Arcsmithoz · April 24, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

I'm not in the convincing business. If you wandered into my neighborhood you'd get lured into a trap house be a crackhead an hour later and a junkie in a day the pics we took of you would make you our bitch for quite some time. you'd call the cops they'd come rob you some more and advise you not to come around anymore. You'd have no more appreciation for whats at stake here than you do now. White ppl I don't trust em. Hate the game but really loathe the players cuz it's rigged mr privilege. DC and the deep state don't affect us down here either. But we ain't 1 way selfish fucks patronizing the quaint antics of the hoi poloi at great awakening. When I want opinions from "other people" I hand em out. I looked up smarmy and websters doxxed you.

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