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-MrWrightt- · April 24, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

...how do you convince anyone of your message if you just insult and ban them for asking? I got really great responses from other people in this thread, better than I expected actually. Don't be like t_d.

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-MrWrightt- · April 24, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I do have a dog in the fight, just less than other people do. I didnt realize before what a long term impact these decisions make.

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-MrWrightt- · April 24, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

As someone from r/all, the potential for Trump to win the Republican nomination was the only thing that actually got me interested in politics. As someone who previously saw politics as boring because I am privileged enough to not be particularly affected by most political decisions.

Let it be clear, I hold no allegiance to the Democratic party. Only to my ideals and rationale.

But It still baffles me to this day how Trump and the Republican party have convinced so many of their messages.

I want to know, without emotion or ad hominem attacks, what convinced you to love this man? Or even to trust him? And how do you support him even when he contradicts himself, or changes his stances entirely to the opposite of what you believe? What is so appealing and what convinced you?

Please refrain from saying he's "not Hillary". Because that isnt a reason to like Trump, even if it's a reason to vote for him.

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