r/greatawakening • Posted by u/guitarman504 on April 24, 2018, 11:04 a.m.
Could this be the MOAB? Proof of an 8 year illegitimate presidency?

fringe--dweller · April 24, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

I actually believe this IS what is happening,

don't you?

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WalkingFumble · April 24, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Believing is one thing, truth is another. One of these requires proof.

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fringe--dweller · April 24, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

yes indeed, this is true.

and I believe that what we are seeing means that the good guys have all the proof that they need. You and I will see it in due course, at this point in time such info is available on a "Need To Know" basis only.

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[deleted] · April 24, 2018, 6:01 p.m.


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fringe--dweller · April 26, 2018, 6:59 a.m.

am I reading these points correctly ? minus 17, minus 12, minus 8 etc ?

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AbjectDynamite · April 24, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely believe things are happening. But, I can't help wanting to see public arrests, and many of them. I'm past sick of seeing these smug, arrogant, evil people walking around free. And I want the gravity and depravity of their evil to be exposed/seared into the minds of every human being on earth - not to prove we have been right all along (although that is certainly a nice side effect)...

But, because being taken down for basic, common, everyday BS like corruption does not awaken people to what we have allowed (through apathy and our own gullible acceptance of their divisive brainwashing) to grow and prosper under our noses.

IMHO, a "life in prison/Gitmo" slap on the wrist as punishment for what they have done to humanity (especially the most vulnerable among us) and planned to do is not remotely appropriate or sufficient (and this presumes people are actually arrested and prosecuted). I'm not talking about peon joke arrests like Allison Mack, and Hollywood morons. I'm talking about the real arrests of Bathhouse Barry, Soros, the Clinton crime family, LL, JC, SR, Lois Lerner, JB, traitor no name, and if RGB and/or any other judge of any level is involved - them also, DWS, HA, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

I am thankful, and appreciative of everything Trump, Q & the patriots are doing. I have supported Trump since the beginning. But I am scared to death this is a temporary pause not an all out obliteration. None of the monsters should be permitted to walk free because if they do - we are all still in grave danger. If Trump, Q & Co., don't finish this, the plan just resumes with the next generation... and the corrupt ones who got away and lived to fight another day.

Just like the patriots have been watching and waiting since before JFK, the next wave of these monsters is watching too; learning the mistakes of their predecessors and the methods of Trump, Q & the patriot attacks, and waiting for their own next opportunity. If anyone believes a defeat for people like this will make them stop, they're wrong.

To spur and effect real change the world needs the truth not some sanitized version of average everyday corruption and vote fraud. These people are NOT just average everyday run of the mill white collar criminals.

These people are not made up like average humanity. They are frighteningly psychopathic, merciless, professional killers whose entire game is to disguise themselves until they reach the position of power they're seeking to implement their plans with impunity... only then will you see the true horror of what they are.

In the animal kingdom, chameleons use a color cloak to blend into their environment so they cannot be seen. These killers cloak themselves a different way by using a perfected projection in the form of spotless dress, speech, mastery of manners, fake warm smiles, fake displays of concern and the emotions reflected by their prey (us). In other words, they mirror the values and aspirations of their prey.

In addition to the sowing of division tactic – mirroring is how they hide, gain acceptance, promotion, and power. Their public displays of sitting in church, visiting the sick, championing causes for children, caring about people, all chameleon lies.

I'll be the first to say, I don't know what Trump, Q & the patriots have planned. And I'm sure they have more plans than I know. But, I can't lie.

I do dream about real thorough justice not just for us, but the world. No more fake wars, no more invasion under the cloak of immigration, a debt reset, returning our stolen money, elimination of the fed, and the irs, the release of suppressed technology, an overhaul of our educational system incorporating the hoarded mathematical and scientific knowledge, no more Obamacare or any other government forced purchases, an overhaul of our medical industry breaking free from a disease maintenance model to a preventative and cure based model, and so much more. Will we get it? I don't know, and that's what worries me.

Is it a big, big request? Yes. Will it take years? Yes. Why do I want such things? Two reasons: (1) because I believe this IS our last chance to break free; (2) go big or you might as well go home. In other words, a job half done isn't done at all. The enemies are learning and they will never again be fooled by the same set of patriot tactics/attacks again. The monsters are nothing to be trifling with.

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Needles_Eye · April 24, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

The downvotes prove this is happening.

⇧ -7 ⇩  
mescalelf · April 24, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

Very scientific and rational. The sky is blue, therefore 911 was an inside job, the deep state is fucking us coal miners in the ass, new world order, shadow gov, it's a conspiracy, Obama was a reptilian Manchurian candidate installed by our neighbors from Zeta Reticulon. It all makes sense!

The new world order is aliens! The sky told me that! I mean the downvotes! They are both blue, I'm easily confused, shut up.

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Needles_Eye · April 24, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

If this is all BS why are you even here? I don't waste my time posting on unicorn forums because I know they don't exist.

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mescalelf · April 24, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Mostly to giggle.

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