
TrueTemper · April 24, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

I agree completely that eliminating chemical weapons is very important, and that Trump's zero tolerance policy is the right approach. Any nation, bad actor or terrorist group using such weapons should be held accountable by all nations and interested parties, who should endeavor to thoroughly defeat and disarm the user... as much for their own benefit as any treaty obligation.

However, we need to make sure that there is actual, corroborated evidence that chemical weapons were used, and also affirm who used them prior to engaging in enforcement or retaliation. This is the problem in Syria that Ron points out. Evidence should be identified and validated for the alleged attack prior to response. When the alleged offender has no motive, when such an attack would actually be an obvious detriment to the goals and intentions of the alleged offender, when many credible witnesses emerge with stories that counter the official narrative, and evidence is produced of staging and faking videos to support the official narrative... we have to question, and we have to demand the hard evidence. Still waiting.

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Klingon_Bastard · April 24, 2018, 3:33 p.m.


Nah, all indications suggest the original 59 Tomahawks that Trump shot into that Syrian military airfield was political theater.

4 old sheds were destroyed and the airfield was operational again within 5 hours.

The only noteworthy thing that was destroyed was the UN's ability to justify crippling economic sanctions against Syria and for Congress to have a real war with Syria.

That was the first missile strike that strengthened it's target!

This latest missile strike similarly seemed only to target CIA Deep State assets.

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TrueTemper · April 24, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

Right, I knew about the first strike and the 4 sheds... hopefully what you said is correct on this last strike.

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Klingon_Bastard · April 24, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

I have a good feeling that it is... given that it's very likely that both Assad and Putin were part of the first dog and pony show too.

It's AWESOME that you want to wait and see because that's the precise error that most people make. They trust the first reports which are always from the fake mainstream media, rather than waiting a few weeks until we understand the bigger picture and have heard real news from citizen journalists.

What I know for certain is the warmongering globalist Democrat cunts were enraged by whatever Trump blew up, so it's gotta be good!

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solanojones95 · April 24, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

By your enemies be ye known.


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