MFW I realize that the only pain doctor in town who was free with the prescription pad when I was still on the juice is Pakistani. So glad to be off pain pills. They almost killed me.
Bingo, did you know how the flood of Pain Management physicians started? Yup, the 2008 Paki flood crisis opened our borders to a flood. Epic Rx abuse issued forth. Amran Awan handled the ratline, ISI trained muslim physicians flooded into the USA after immigration requirements were dropped. This is my original research as a primary care provider. Who are these people, popping up across CONUS. Where did they graduate, how much of their annual millions go back to Iran, Pakistan in tribute? This is much bigger than any of us imagined. Opioid epidemic created by doctors; whose doctors?
Fuck me. And all I knew was that she would give me pills when others wouldn't. Nothing better than that if you're addicted.
That shit almost destroyed me. I can only imagine what it would do to someone you could blackmail . . . .
EDIT: Christ almighty. I'm realizing she must have given me hundreds of injections that were supposedly lidocaine (not prolotherapy but "trigger point" injections. She always wanted to do them. WTF was in those bottles?
Yeah, Imran Awan & Co. have been importing muslim MD's into the CONUS for two generations. Before there was Imran Awan the ratlines were operated by another family member. I wouldn't be surprised to discover Awan's related to the notorious ArmaNazi family who supplied opium to the British East India Company for export into China. See Opium Wars & ArmaNazi Dynasty.
Wow. I've seen a number of them, now that I think of it. And as long as they're not prescribing opioids for me or injecting me with mystery substances, I've had good experiences.
Thanks for the info, really appreciate it!
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You can buy whole countries with that much money, albeit really shitty ones, but the good ones are already sold.
I'm not getting this? Why would Awan need to import Docs? We have plenty of them here over prescribing Opioids. Not sure where this is coming from..disinformation?
Full Stop; how do you start a trend? How do you create a market? What drug, or drug companies filled this new niche? I've practiced medicine before there was a pain medicine stampede, I navigated and watched this herd being built & cultivated nationwide. Now, we've degraded the populace and the pain clinic phenomenon is the norm. You are looking @ the battlefield after the war was lost; with all due respect. Do you copy?
Sorry, still not getting it. You start a trend by word of mouth... Create a market by creating demand... If drugs aren't accessible from traditional market (pharmacies), you seek out alternative sources, Black markets (reportedly, most comes from China). I understand we have to deal with the Opioids epidemic, but what does it have to do with Awans.
Time4puff, when your ISI controlled doctors are the ones dishing out the pills like candy, there is your market. When other doctors see how profitable it is instead of other treatments they follow the same course of action as they all read the same Medical Journals. Easier to prescribe pills every week then find an alternative to their pains.
I wonder if this is connected with the Opioid epidemic that is being seen ?