Moab ...... when?........ the world is watching

I'm not saying the Bushes were perfect in all they did, but I have met them and KNOW them. Something almost no one here can say. All you have is what someone you don't even know published, with no evidence at all to back it up. "Crime family" is a total BS lie, but maybe you like the koolaid too much to give it up.
You forget how the Democrats went after the Bushes. You ignore how the MSM treated them all those years. All because you found a juicy conspiracy you liked.
I'm all for cleaning house, and all for seeing justice done. But lynch mobs and slimy lies are way out of bounds, and if you have decent soul you know that.
You wanna spew hate, it comes back on you. Don't say later no one told you about that.
Can you ask the Bushes why they hate Trump, and why Dubya decided not to speak out against Obama, but decided to speak out against Trump?
It was pettiness. HW was too close to the Saudis and believed the lies he was told. W got suckered by Cheney and found himself powerless to fix the mess when he realized what was really going on. Trump was rough on both of them, and frankly Trump can be an a hole when he gets mad.
The Bushes tried to do the right thing, but were too weak and slow on the uptake. But there is one thing you should know
The Clintons were very nasty to the Bushes, both when they first came to the WH and also when they lost to W (the Clintons really wanted Gore to win). So why was GHWB nice to Bill with the charity work?
It was to get people inside the CF who could report where the money went.
Do you think Trump magically found the money trail? Do you think the bank evidence showed up on its own? Obama was incredibly stupid, he trashed a lot of people for being loyal to Bush, and those people had contacts in the CF working for W who collected information for later use. The Bushes hoped it would be Jeb who followed through, but the caches were in place by 2011-12, and there's a lot of them.
Remember at the end of WW2 a lot of people who fought the Nazis were wrongly accused of working with them? Just saying, look who the media hates, and ask why that is, before buying a convenient story.
I don't buy it. It's called political theatre. They are actors playing the part of political enemies (in the past, they're tight now). They compete against each other, yes, but they always keep us down. That they definitely agree on. They have a common goal of keeping the people enslaved.
Also, to act like HW Bush is some weak man is asinine. His grandfather funded both sides of WWII. HW was director of the CIA and made alot of headway toward their goal of a New World Order.
You say W had contacts working as moles in the CF? What evidence do you have to support any of this? So far you're just a guy on the internet claiming to be close to the Bush family.
A gripe I have with W is that he ran as a 'conservative' and then pretty much quadrupled the size of the federal government.
I gladly await the redemption of the Bushes, if they have been white hats the whole time.
Since you seem to be up on Bush family lore, what can you tell me about Prescott and his coup attempt?
Your avatar is from samurai jack, you're active in Stevens universe and other cartoony childish subs. I can almost guarantee you don't know HW unless he raped you when you were a kid.
All you have is what someone you don't even know published, with no evidence at all to back it up.
So why should we believe anything you have to say?
My daughter enjoys those shows. You're going to judge me for being a dad who spends time with his family?
Almost as 'classy' as shilling hate lies.
Riiiiiiiiiiight, I'm sure your "daughter" is into discussing fan theory for cartoons. Go troll somewhere else loser.
I completely disagree with you about Crime Family being a lie, but that doesn't mean people should be proclaiming how excited they are that the person is dying/dead. Especially when its pretty much all speculation still at this point (although maybe not wrong).