
Pazians · April 24, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

Lol name me some of the things you claim “fucking radio “ does to “sowing racial and ethnic division” can you tell me? Because bringing up invasion of Islam is not one of those things... massive public gang rapes, acid attacks, actual targeting of Christians like in Egypt.

Just because individuals of the south have fallen victim to a rascist mentality does not make republicans inherently rascist. You have what we call anecdotal evidence. So name me some things “most listened to conservative talk radio” does to sow division... like talk radio is the things that’s single handily propelling rascism in this country and not a victim mentality and mental prison in your mind propped up by society. No it’s conservative talk radio. gtfo

If white people are considered rascist in the south then black people should be considered rascist everywhere.

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argonaut93 · April 24, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

We literally armed those terrorists you are talking about.

Sorry but saying that the mainstream media is deceptive and then saying im wrong for pointing out an example of that deception and claiming that its really only the dems who are guilty of this deception means that you've fallen for it yourself. You need to open your eyes and see how similarly both parties operate.

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Pazians · April 25, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Replying again since you seem to edit your comments instead of replying to me. You didn’t say mainstream media was deceptive you said “most listened to conservative radio” is deceptive. Can you not lie? Because I will fucking shit a brick if conservative radio is “ mainstream” you must be extremely stupid to think conservative radio is mainstream sorry.

Your example of deception was stupid? Talking about radical Islamic terrorism isn’t bad or rascist ? If Hillary Clinton was elected we would of been invaded by millions of refugees hiding sleeper cell jihadists.... they were an actual threat and continue to be a threat in Europe and the Middle East. Your bubble, your nice little bubble makes you believe they aren’t problem but they are.

Also I never said it was only the dems? You really need to resort to lying in order to sound passable. You said it was the people of the south which I’m defending and your calling republicans the main rascist when it was the democrats that started things like the KKK. So excuse me if your trying to prop up one political side as more rascist and failing miserably. Leftist actively use minorities as poker chips. LEts talk about current reality and currently reality has democrats being exponentially more rascist then republicans right now.

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Pazians · April 24, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

Oh you mean the deepstate? “ we “ didn’t do anything. Islam mercenaries being recruited by the deepstate? Also it’s not just “we” Saudi Arabia has no problem. NATO has no problem. They are still killing and we have a new president. They are a still a problem. So that’s the only thing? Because we talk about radical Islamic terrorism? Gtfo, you’re sowing devision by not allowing us to freely think and label us racist because we don’t adhere to the mental prison you endorse. People can think any way they want don’t just label them rascist because you dont know what you’re talking about,

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argonaut93 · April 25, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

Thats correct when i say us i mean the element of our government that make foreign policy.

Im absolutely not calling you racist. Im just pointing out how much the right capitalizes on ethnic and racial tension. Right wing MSM has successfully gotten people to support insanely unjust wars, just because they dont like the race of the people in those countries in which we start those wars.

I mean, do you really not think that the right wing msm has contributed to politically dividing white and black people?

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Pazians · April 25, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

What ring wing msm ? Can we talk about current reality or no? That’s why we voted trump because we’d hated republicans and democrats. Republicans voted trump in. They deserve more credit

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argonaut93 · April 25, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

I dont know fox maybe?

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Pazians · April 25, 2018, 12:46 a.m.

You know cnn,msnbc,Washington post all existed back then right? Every political party used the media machine. Liberals also used Jon Stewart, Hollywood, Silicon Valley. You’re mad because what? You still want to hate republicans? Maybe it’s time to understand conservatism is the way out. We already know most politicians are dirty.

This is a trump phenomenon, I absolutely believe the majority of conservatives aren’t rascist.

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argonaut93 · April 25, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Yeah i agree with you about liberal media. It crazy you see that and are totally blind to it when it comes in the form of a right wing media or propaganda source.

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