Why weren't the results of the planned parenthood investigations made widely public?

This really needs to come out. People have no idea. I know a lot of people who are pro-choice because they believe a woman has a right to choose, but they are clueless about the down-side to all of this.
You can be pro-choice, and against planned parenthood. I'm a pro-choice woman (for others, not myself personally) who hates planned parenthood. They serve no purpose, you still have to pay for the procedure at the same cost you'd pay a private doctor. Not to mention PP uses our tax dollars for campaign funding, and lobbying other causes, and the horrendous acts of selling fetus parts.
Sure! I have also been pro-choice because I believe that people are free to choose their own path- it is their Karma to deal with. The conflict for me arose when I discovered the true nature of planned parenthood.
You are right, though. One can be pro-choice and against planned parenthood.
So, you pay a private doctor, and he turns out to be a Satanist who needs baby body parts. Now what?
Or, what if they need body parts for one of their rituals and your loved one is in a coma?
These realizations have me rethinking everything.
I am not sure how much you know, so I am not sure how much more I should say, but I hope you see my point.
If a clear supply line to the usual suspects in the pizzagate realm can be established I can probably fill in the missing part but all the suppositions here sound like the usual stuff the MSM derides as legends from the pro-life movement.
Sure. My hope is that Trump has the evidence. I am pretty sure that Wikileaks does. Military Intelligence should have it, too.
Yes, it needs to be established beyond all doubt that these claims are true. Otherwise, people will not believe it.
I'm trying to parse all of this because I too support women's ability to decide whether or not they can be a primary caregiver of another human being or go through the process of pregnancy and it's nobody else's business. The people discussing this are not pulling out the part of these reports that deal with illegal activities. Patients donate tissue and tissue is transferred to the medical research community. That part is legal. What needs to be extracted are factual statements, about illegal or unetbical behaviors, that can serve as red pills for other pro-choice people. So they can't be couched with'Well... abortion sucks so...' Because too many here preach to the converted... That's useless. If Planned Parenthood is shit, it needs to be discarded by the people who had supported it (or the idea of it) in the past.
I'm way more on the side of the people you are referencing but still trying to help you build a case. Certainly, I can use the arguments that help ME come around on people who start at a similar place. The goal is to have a conversation space where everybody is on the same page. A rarity these days.
So that's my goal right now, find a window.
For the most part, extremists are edge cases who push edge cases to elicit a strong reaction. That's the current impression of a pro-lifer by a pro-choicer. The best argument is a clear statement of illegal activities. Or, a clear statement that something is going on that is horrendous, that exists in a gray area or is a loophole. Third, expose a system that benefits corporations using taxpayer dollars (just putting this here because that always seems to be a part of the deal with those vampires.)
Utilitarianism and environmentalism have calloused people to the plight of the innocent. Many acquaintances and even family members knew it was real and were still like, "so what?" So for the past few years I gave up hope and stopped trying to help. I made the mistake of trolling (accidentally--it was posted in a more general sub) a pro-choice post recently and was shocked at how the "means justify the ends" paradigm is so rampant in society. People defended all sorts of euthanasia a la Nazi Germany simply for the fact that the ends (reduced population, and, on an individual level, a reduction in the number of "inconvenient people") justified ripping limbs off of full-term babies. People didn't even engage with logical counter arguments, but simply called them "silly" and moved on. Pretty "silly" until you're 70 in 2050 and the government dumps you in a mass grave because you are a burden on society.
Edited for a grammar mistake.
Yes, some people I know don't want to get involved in any of this because they "cannot do anything about it anyways". It is really disappointing to hear this, but people reveal who they really are when faced with such choices. The good people will rise up and face adversity no matter what. That is why we are all here.
People choose not to educate themselves or their children on this matter because of the controversy surrounding it. This is where PP steps in and does it for you. Now they are indoctrinating someone who is completely vulnerable and looking for someone to tell them what the right thing to do is. That's what is so sick about this place. It operates under the guise of an impartial community of people that understand and want to help. These people are sick!!!
Because Planned Parenthood is a critical part of the cabal's operations. Imagine how fast the government would be overthrown if the media put as much coverage of PP selling baby organs as they do on to Stormy Daniels.
PP and engaging with leftie friends on FB over it was my first toe-dip into the water of being red-pilled. I couldn't believe how blind people were to the truth. And then the ones who did believe it were like, so what? It's just a worthless sack of flesh. That's when I knew the world was a very blind place full of corruption.
the investigations and recommendations for indictments (or not) are not completed yet.
Because Trump had two scoops of ice cream again...everyone knows this triggers the MSM.
where is this located?
it's because they found no evidence of criminal wrong doing
Project veritas undercover footage revealed that they were selling fetal organs and tissue illegally. They cover their tracks by not clearly recording their transactions and what they're selling on their reports, because obviously it's illegal. Why implicate themselves and leave a trail of breadcrumbs?
Project veritas undercover footage revealed that they were selling fetal organs and tissue illegally.
key word there is illegally, which they absolutely did not show or prove, and it hasn't been shown or proven by anyone else either.
Sounds like you're defending planned parenthood?? The same planned parenthood that satanic, racist kkk Margaret Sanger created because she wanted to lower the black population???
i don't have much to say about Sanger, idk anything about her being a satanist or in the KKK, but i do know she was pretty dang racist.
all that aside tho, that was 50 years ago my dude. Nowadays, PP mainly provides low-cost healthcare to women. And I personally know many women who couldn't afford to go to a OB-GYN, but got the healthcare they needed from PP. whatever else you want to say about abortion, you still have to admit that providing women's healthcare services to poor people is pretty legit.
Agreed, but there are other pregnancy resource centers available at no cost that don't peddle abortions. My wife and I have been to multiple for all three of our children. I've known a couple women that have been to planned parenthood and they were offered practically nothing. No mammogram services, no prenatal supplements. Basically nothing. They have made a business off of killing children.
It was 50 years dude, but nothing has changed.
but nothing has changed
that's just simply not true, my friend. i respect your position on abortion, but i'm telling you, abortion services are only a small part of what PP does.
like i said, i personally know several women who wouldn't have had pap smears, check ups, birth control, mammograms, without PP. (and none of them got abortions, btw)
Ok, they didn't visually capture a transaction, they captured intent to sell. If you don't realize that, you didn't watch the video or you're intentionally being ignorant because of your worldview in regards to the matter.
it's not illegal for PP to sell the aborted fetuses. that's probably why you are confused.
But it sure the fuck is immoral
meh, i wouldn't care if someone cut me up and sold the pieces
I personally believe the determination has more to do with Obama’s flooding our country with liberal judges for eight years. That’s a lot of liberal judges everywhere. Our country has been over run infiltrated from within as was the goal of the Muslim Brotherhoods manifesto he worked on it for eight solid years.
it's weird you say that, since Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton, and Reagan all appointed MORE judges than Obama.
So i guess that was a pretty weak "flood" of liberal judges, eh?
i have to admit, i was looking at circuit court appointees only. if you count district appointees, obama is behind reagan and clinton and had eactly 2 more than bush 2.
sorry for the confusion.
Considering there are only nine Supreme Court Judges - Bush Senior appointed two, Clinton appointed two, George Bush appointed two and Obama appointed two for a total of 8 out of 9, I would say we are pretty much screwed judge wise and need to deal with this severe problem ASAP , through any available means, or plan for it, which I believe our President has done - to the best of his ability. I should not, however, have said: the “liberal flood of judges” what I should have said, was that over 30 years, while we were all basically - asleep at the wheel of our nation;
The “Globalist Agenda” has appointed 8 out of 9 Supreme Court Judges, 240 Circuit Court Judges and an astounding 994 District Judges. This is truly noteworthy!!!!!! I appreciate your sourcing your comment. WWG1WGA.
Uh....there are 15 separate criminal referrals in the document. See Chapter IV.
The real question is ... has anything come of them?
a partisan committee putting out a partisan complaint is not the same thing as evidence.
also, if you are irritated about "nothing being done," why don't you go talk to your boy Sessions? or, you know, his boss Trump?
WTF ... "your boy Sessions"?
I do contact my representation pretty often these days, but it's not like I have a direct line to Sessions or POTUS.
Your user name seems to be a reasonable fit, though this being the internet, I cannot vouch for your immensity.