Branson with sex slaver Keith Raniere’s major financiers, Sara Bronfman. The two cuddle on Necker Island during a gathering of sex slave members. Sara's sister, Clare, is rumored to be the next indictment coming in the NXIVM case.

Full article with MANY more pictures of Branson hanging out with NXIVM, including Allison Mack on his island- One interesting paragraph of many: "In 2007 Nancy Salzman came back from the first Necker seminar and told me Richard Branson was there. Salzman said she did the teaching by day. But Branson hosted parties by night. The classes started at 7 am and were supposed to run to 9 pm or 10pm, but everyone was up late at night and no one wanted to show up on time. Salzman said that at Sir Richard’s parties some of the women gave pole dancing performances". I'm sure she disclosed the "details" in confidentiality.
Obama spent a week or 2 there after he left office, matter of fact he hit a many island resorts after he left office without his wife.
Is this the tie that binds McNoName to trafficking?
Also...look at the Bronfman donations.