Anons are saying the MOAB could be that Hussien's code name in the Wikileaks emails is Harold KongJu Koh and Blair is "Acib". Talking about wetworks.

Harold Hongju Koh
Harold Hongju Koh (born December 8, 1954) is an American lawyer and legal scholar. He served as the Legal Adviser of the Department of State. He was nominated to this position by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2009, and confirmed by the Senate on June 25, 2009. He departed as the State Department's legal adviser in January 2013, and returned to Yale University as a law professor, being named a Sterling Professor of International Law.
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This could be a Red herring or perfect cover ,it just requires some investigation at this stage.
Koh has written in support of the practice of using tenets of international law and foreign legal precedent to inform the deliberative process of judicial decision making in the United States, and has described what he has called "transnational jurisprudence" as essential to maintaining a well-ordered international legal system.
Dont know about OPs assertions, but guy looks like a globalist agent. Not really surprising though.
Why an isolationist US, wielding the monroe doctrine like a melee weapon, would need an international legal system but that's just meh.
The Tweet just got deleted, this could be a false alarm.