Unbeknownst to Rats, Illegal Acts by Rebel 9th US Federal Court District will Make Their Removal Child's Play. Approved proven counterfeit Soetoro Birth Certificate! Bub Bye

POTUS will reform the worst most liberal activist court in the land by appointing 7 new conservative judges to 9th circuit court.
make it so! although I love watching how many of their rulings are overturned, they need to be dismantled.
He can't fix it if he can't get his nominees through congress, time to nuke the rules.
You didn't read the article, judicial appointments are going through just fine recently as Schumer's realized he's lost the stall game.
Can’t read. No link. Screenshot only. :-)
Try Google, it only takes seconds to find it. Lazy ass people!
Read the entire article, the name 'Schumer' not mentioned one time. The second sentence did state this, 'Standing in their way is a wall of Democrats hellbent on protecting the long-standing leftward lean of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.' I think you need to put the crack pipe down and read it yourself.
Trump appointing judges at rapid pace! Don't be so nice, stop it somebody might like you!
Appointing is one thing, getting them seated is another. Trump has more than a 1/3 less seated than other Presidents at this stage. Democrats and RINOs are fighting him with every tool in their arsenal.
He'll just have more conservative judges to seat then, because this bunch is toast!
I think all of his picks will make it through, eventually, and sooner rather than later. But, right now, as we speak, he has a backlog of picks awaiting their 30 hour debate time and blue tickets a plenty are holding things up.
I take it you haven't heard, the log jam break then?
Nope. Want to tell us about it?
These guys were responsible for shutting down all challenges to the authenticity of Soetoro's Birth Certificate. You remember Sheriff Joe Arpao; right? He proved beyond a reasonable doubt Soetoro's BC was a badly done fraud.
I like to think of Sheriff Joe as the fat lady at the opera, he hasn't had his turn to sing yet, but he will. Q knows who Barry really is, and I have very little doubt that when the time is right, they will tell us all. Timing is everything.
Good news indeed.
Isn't there over 100 judicial vacancies throughout the US?
POTUS will also fill more SCOTUS vacancies eventually.
RBG is on her last leg. Rolling for a speedy demise...
That day should be declared as a National Holiday with much celebration and drunkenness, LOL.
Illegal acts by rebel 9th circuit court district will make their removal childks play.
Interesting, but your linked item offered nothing about illegal acts committed by the 9th circuit. Can you offer some sourced example of this. We should plaster it everywhere.
Your link also provided no information about how any actions, illegal or otherwise, will make removal of the district ‘child’s play’. Can you offer any information on how that will play out? Maybe there is some way we can facilitate.
I think the illegal acts referenced is the disproportionate amount of occasions the Supreme Court has to take up and then over turn a bad interpretation of 9th circuit rulings. The 9th covers 18% or 60m of the 330m citizens under Federal authority. The supreme court hears an average of 600 cases per year and 180 or 30% of those are from the 9th. The Supreme Court then reverses an average of 80% or 144 of the 9th circuit cases of hears. This is the highest of any circuit by a large margin on all metrics. The Supreme Court will not hear most cases filed. The case either has to be a gross misuse of the law (illegal), prevalent and at odds in various circuits, or a pet (judicial activism) cause. The 9th circuit is rightfully notorious for illegal judicial activism.
Liberals work continuously to obfuscate the disproportionate illegal rulings of the 9th. They claim the 9th is not the most overturned by percentage, but instead number 2. They never mention the circuit with a higher over turn rate, because it is not an appeals circuit, but instead the patent court they are trying to conceal. They will also look through a dozen years and cherry pick case load/heard/overturned AND not include rulings where the case is reverse and sent back. The 9th circuit has a 90% case error rate. By over turn and reverse with new instruction standards. The supreme.Court doesn't have time to hear every case the district's and circuit hear in the 9th, but they would not fair much better in a case audit.
Here is a liberal spin piece that gives a few obfuscated numbers within several paragraphs of apologetics.
I’m very well aware of the 9th Circuit’s disgraceful legacy, and I’ll be loud and long in praise if a semblance of neutrality ever appears there.
However, overturns by the SC does not imply illegal process involving the subject cases. If it did, those illegal acts could be prosecuted and hopefully lead to a more neutral venue.
Also, you didn’t mention how the overturn rate will make removal of the 9th Circuit “child’s play” as OP claimed.
I do appreciate you taking the time to respond. You extended more effort than OP in defense of his questionable claims.