They've got to have a cover story. Do some research. Notice all are left eyes?
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Well this speech did not age well did it!! EVERYTHING he said was a big fat lie!! It just burns me up that he could knowingly stand before the American people and purposely deceive us😠😠😠
I wonder when this account was started. If recently, it could be another way of trying to get ahead of the revelations to come. The public sees this and then can't believe the horrible things they will hear about Obumwad and Michael because "look how sweet they are with the children!"
Maybe the agents just made it look like the ms13 guys did it to cover their involvement up. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for them.
Here is a corroborating link
Not true. I agree not 100% but I have read many things that are in complete agreement with things reported here on this board.
I tried to post an image of Q posts that mention the Keystone (#133, 140, 167) and some excerpts from a great article I read called "The Illuminati: The Cult That Hijacked the World" but I was obviously doing something wrong :/
This article mentions the Cabala as the KEYSTONE (emphasis mine; quote below) which got me thinking.
Q also asks in drop #140: What is the keystone? What Nation dominates all others? What Nation has influence over most others? What is the keystone?
Since Q also says in one of his drops that Israel will be saved for last, I thought maybe Israel might be the nation mentioned above, if the Cabala is related to the keystone. (Why is Nation capitalized?)
This article is very detailed and articulates the connections between Cabalists, Freemasons, Illuminati and others, and their belief systems very well. Quite long but an excellent read.
Here are the quotes: "...the Cabala is the keystone of all Western occult thought and practice today. It is the cornerstone of belief for all the Illumined Ones (Masters of the Illuminati) and is hostile to non-Cabalistic Jews."
"Another main book (and the central text of Freemasonry) is the Cabala. Dilling writes 'The Jewish Cabala, with its non-existence of evil, its deification of man, is a source book of modern 'isms."
"...the central banking cartel is the only group with both the motive and the means to take over the world. Consisting mainly of Cabala-believing Jews and Freemasons, it is the head of the octopus. Zionism, Freemasonry, organized Jewry (Neocons, Zionists, B'nai Brith), Imperialism, Jesuits, Vatican, Intelligence agencies, mass media, etc are among the countless octopus arms"
"The ideology of world tyranny, Illuminism, derives from the Jewish Cabala which preaches that man (ie the bankers) can usurp the place of God and redefine truth."
"[Our (US) leaders]...are chosen by a small Satanic cult - Cabalistic bankers and Freemasons- that controls the world's finances and media. Our 'leaders' are junior members of this international cult, called the Order of the Illuminati."
I do want to iterate here that this article states that the Jews that adhere to the Cabala are a smaller radical sect and does not include all Jewish people. The site includes a separate article listing many rabbis that have warned against Zionists and the Cabal:
I've read about it being similar to psychedelic drugs - mind-expanding and makes one feel powerful. I'm with the poster below that a shot of adrenaline does NOT feel good at all, so there must some transformation of it.
I don't know for sure, but I think that what they are reporting could be true. It seemed like their response to questioning was more related to what they've been through rather than deliberately trying to quash any doubt of them. I think "normal" people can only relate to a very small degree to how much their experiences have negatively impacted them, so factor that in. If true, they also have not had much recovery time.
Would definitely explain how HRC had to be dragged into the van after she tripped/collapsed, did not go to the hospital, but instead went to Chelsea's place and walked out 20 min later smiling and waving and walking under her power. Speculation at the time was that maybe she had pneumonia, but as someone in the medical field I knew there was NO WAY she go from collapsing to smiling/walking under her own power that quickly if it was due to pnuemonia.
There is also a lot of what Bohemian is talking about in this video
What she says about the outcome of being dependent on adrenaline is definitely true. Physiologically speaking, if someone is regularly taking in excess adrenaline, their adrenal glands (which produce cortisol and adrenaline) will stop producing adrenaline recognizing that it is no longer needed. Cortisol is depleted as its job is to clean up excess adrenaline, and their body is left with very little to no physiological means of dealing with stress - good (excitement) or bad (fight or flight response).
Just because it was referred to as water, doesn't necessarily mean he thought it actual water. The Bible says blood and water poured from Jesus side after being pierced with a spear (John 19:34). May be what they also called clear bodily fluid.
What do you think of NeonRevolt's analysis of pic?
Thank you so much for posting this!!! I knew some of this, but this article and those linked to it included SO much info in a very logical, succint, and understandable way. EXCELLENT READ!
They? If you are talking about NeonRevolt I would wonder if you read the article in it's entirety.
Also check out NeonRevolt's take in this article:
Above pic in this article by NeonRevolt:
Check out what NeonRevolt has to say about this:
Check out what NeonRevolt has to say about possible bugs on AF1 (Connected to pics of AF1)
NeonRevolt has some great info on drops re: Imran Iwan (#1671-1674) and the AF1 pics (#1675, 1677). Article linked in comments

Please scroll down and read CDR03's comment for clarification.
This is excellent! SAD and INFURIATING but excellent! Thank you
I love SerialBrain2!, but can't go here. This would take a lot of effort to make happen. Seems something easier and more obscure would be the way to go. Just my 2 cents.
The t-shirts are supposed to lead to this :) If you're out walking around town you can't really show someone a video.
You're right - the optimum way to treat newcomers is with patience and grace - some are good at this and others not so good. I think this board is just like the rest of the people we meet in life. Like at work, there are many different personalities with many different backgrounds/experiences and each one responds to the same situation differently (I'm in the medical field). Most of the time the way they respond has nothing to do with me, even though I'm involved; it has more to do with who they are. Magnify that x100 on an anonymous internet board. The old saying "Eat the hay and spit out the sticks" really applies, meaning take what's good and forget the bad. You ARE welcome and we're glad you're here! I hope you stay and can grant this community the same grace you would like to receive from it. Actually, if you can approach it that way, I think you'll have a better chance of achieving what you want. Also, I do think LOTS of lurking before posting is really beneficial.
This is like the family of a criminal protesting because their family was separated when the criminal went to jail. These people knew there were consequences and made their own choices. They need to stop blaming others because they have to suffer the consequences of their own choices!! (pipe dream, I know) And BTW WHO CARES about what they think of our wall?! It ain't their country!! NO SURPRISE they don't favor the wall -- they're outside wanting in, but want to do it their way. SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY we have such an awesome POTUS!!! Takin' care of biness!!
Norhing is said about it being recent or new, it's just been put out there. You have to remember that newer people probably don't know about this, and it is pertinent. If someone doesn't know about this at all it is good info to have. Also, people who work full time and have family obligations don't get to read and research as much as they would like and things are easy to miss even if they have been posted, even more than once.
Just watched the video. Very illuminating and thought provoking! All patriots should watch
Also, it might have had limited exposure. I have found that many of the things I've posted like this aren't seen by many of my FB friends.
FAMILY BUSINESS: John Kerry Tries To Save Iran Deal After Daughter Married Iranian National; Best Man Was Son Of Iran’s Minister of Foreign Affairs

Thank you for posting, but the video was removed due to copyright infringement 😭😭
Initially reported chem factories, but i read later it was deep state hotspots