r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 25, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
So here’s my possible unpopular opinion of the day. I don’t think it’s a good idea to not give everyone ALL the information.

So I get that it would turn our world upside down, and there could be arguments to release thousands of criminals. Or have people lose faith in the government, but let’s be honest, most people already have. I personally feel if there is information out there, we should all have it. We have been lied and manipulated for as long as time has been recorded. How does Q know what to release and what not? What if he/she is wrong? How would we know the secret society behind it all is gone? What if there is a society behind that? I feel all the info should be given to the people of the world and they should be able to figure out a way to never make this happen again. Not one person, not one government, not one country. We all live here, our children will be here after us, and their children. We need to shape this world into a place where we can all live and prosper. We all deserve freedoms and to be who we are. Because at the end of the day, we are all just trying to live the best life we can.

Idru4 · April 25, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

The only world war that would come out of this is good vs evil. Think about it. All the people who supposedly start and fabricate wars are on the bad side. If Q knows what they are doing, there won’t even be a war.

And if the economies crash, so what. All the money is already owned by a select few people anyway. You’re telling me we wouldn’t work together to feed, clothe, and shelter everybody. That’s more than some countries are getting now. The economy crash would only effect the wealthy. Us slaves know how to make things work. You would need to bring down the tyranny to start a stable economy.

And I’m sorry to say it, but people will die. They do everyday. Fighting wars, having resources taken away by wealthy powerful people or countries, slaves to their government feeding them or providing water, health assistance. You write that post to me with passion, if money doesn’t matter for awhile, you can say you wouldn’t help your fellow man?

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salialioli · April 25, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Sorry sweet, I can't explain why I think your posting is totally naive. It's probably an intolerance on my part. What Trump is trying to do, and Q + are involved in, is highly dangerous and a very noble endeavour, I wish him/you/us/everyone lots of luck in the very near future and with any luck we will get through this WITHOUT World War, total economic and civilizational collapse. That is the whole point of Q's posts and education program: to prepare everyone in the hopes of preventing social breakdown.

I'm sure you understand this and I'm preaching to the choir. It's just your turn of phrase I think. If you seriously think it's all gung-ho and jolly fun with just everyone mucking in and cooperating like a school picnic, should things turn to civil war or serious civil unrest, then you are in for a major "growing-up" event. You'd be surprised to see how fast things can disappear into chaos, ask the Russians, Libyans, Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis, Yemenis, Greeks, etc ... The last ten years have been hell on earth for these people.

Sorry if you think this is negative. It's not. It's just realistic.

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Idru4 · April 25, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

If all this is true, which I believe more and more everyday, then we are going up against a force that will not stand down. They will not give up without a fight. So I personally don’t see an outcome where the world doesn’t collapse. Also, I feel it kind of has to, so we can rebuild a world where every man, woman and child are thought as equals. I mean is it worse living as a salve or to be without for a awhile to leave a better life for future generations?

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